Youtube activity of "c. j. macq" (@cjmacq-vg8um) on "Thom Hartmann Program" channel.
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c. j. macq
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Comments by video
""This Is Not Us" Is A Lie! America Fights History"
"A Conservative Defends the 1%"
"A Former "Drug Dealer" Rails Against Immoral Pharmaceutical Industry Drug Price Hiking"
"Abortion Bans Could Be First Step Toward Republican Evangelical Rule!"
"After Spending Trillions On War GOP Is About To Yell About Debt!"
"All About Fascism, Oligarchy & Plutocracy in America"
"Allowing Predatory Private Insurance to Exist Is Insanity"
"America's "Freedom" For the Rich Is Killing Us!"
"Americans Could Have Received $2,000 A Month... (w/ Pramila Jayapal )"
"An FDR Moment For Trump's America"
"An Incomplete List of Trump's Worst Crimes!"
"Anatomy of a Trump Supporter"
"Angry White Virgins Known as "Incels" are Plotting Against America?"
"Anti Trump Conservative Reacts To Impeachment (w/ Bryan Pruitt )"
"Are Americans Ready To Embrace Socialism? (w/ Richard Wolff )"
"Are Americans Sick of GOP Men Screaming... We Are!"
"Are Homeless People the Next Victims of Trump?"
"Are Pollsters Failing Black Progressive Candidates Ahead of Midterms? (w/Guest Pete Tucker)"
"Are Truckers Suckers To Foreign Troll Farm"
"Are Trump Supporters Delighted By Refugee Camp Conditions?"
"Are Trump Supporters Willing to Suffer to Keep Trump in White House?"
"Are we the First Country to Go Backwards?"
"Authoritarianism From Mussolini to Trump (w/ Ruth Ben-Ghiat)"
"Beating Trump's Fascism! (w/ Prof. Jason Stanley)"
"Bernie Sanders Announces Presidential Run Plans for 2020"
"Bernie Sanders Challenges the Government Shutdown"
"Bernie Sanders' Plan to Win, Revealed by Thom Hartmann"
"Beyond the Voice of the People : The Far Right Fundamentalist "Family""
"Bill Barr Ended Bush's Prosecution: Will He Stop Trump's Impeachment?"
"Bret Kavanaugh Should Be Impeached for Lying to the Senate (w/ Lisa Graves)"
"CIA Refuses To Hand Over Vital Impeachment Documents"
"Caller: People Need to Take Care of Themselves!"
"Caller: Why is Thom Always Blaming Reagan?"
"Can Democracy Win Against Corporate Power?"
"Can Libertarians Stomach Trump's Pandemic Unemployment Cuts? (w/ Charles Sauer)"
"Can Restoring the Fairness Doctrine, Fight Right Wing Corporate Media? (w/ Rep. Ro Khanna)"
"Can Trump Get Away With Two Million Dead Americans?"
"Can Trump Go Too Far or Will Racism Get Him Reelected"
"Can Trump's Populism be Beat by a Conventional Democrat?"
"Can We Do Better Than Capitalism? (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"Can We Jail Trump Admin After Biden Victory?"
"Can the Economy Recover from Trump? (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"Climate Change - The Global Warming Scam"
"Combatting the Modern Day Lynchings the Media Isn't Covering (w/guest Joe Madison)"
"Conservative Author wants to defend Andrew Jackson (w/guest Bradley J. Birzer)"
"Conversations With Great Minds - The History Of QAnon (w/ Mike Rothschild) Part One"
"Corona Virus aweail Outs Expose Flaws I Capitalism"
"Cosby Got Trump's Sweetheart Deal"
"Could Republicans Bring Slavery?"
"Could What Happened in Germany in 1932 Happen in America Today?"
"Could the End of Local Newspapers Be the End of Democracy & Journalism?"
"Could the Morbidly Rich and Donald Trump Push us Toward a Second Civil War"
"Creative Redemption in the Age of Trump, Fascism and Lies"
"DEBATE: Will Privatizing The Post Office Jeopardize Unions"
"DNC Chair Tom Perez Calls Trump Most Dangerous President in History"
"Dark Secret Inside Social Media's Algorithms Revealed"
"Data Scientist's Shocking Call for Election Recount Raises Scary Questions! w/ Stephen Spoonamore"
"Dear Conservative Alternet Trolls: America is NOT a Capitalist Country"
"Debate: Should Healthcare & Education Be Free From Profit Seeking Parasites?"
"Delusional Politicians Are Trying to Kill Us (w/ Jake Weigler)"
"Democrats Must Stop SCOTUS Installing Trump 2020 Win"
"Did Barr Lie About Exoneration?"
"Did Bill Barr End Mueller Report Before Investigation Finished?"
"Did Ditching Austerity Save Portugal's Economy"
"Did Donald Trump Just Commit Treason?"
"Did JFK's Warning Predict Trump & GOP Fascism?"
"Did Laura Ingraham Go Too Far? (w/Guest Martha Nussbaum)"
"Did Putin Just Admit to Interfering in the U.S. Elections to Support Donald Trump?"
"Did Slavery Change Form Instead Of Being Abolished ?"
"Did Trump Announce Coups in Portland and Venezuela?"
"Did Trump Break Rules Of War?"
"Did Trump Hire Arsonist Riot Leader? (w/ Greg Palast)"
"Did Trump's "Liberate Michigan" Result in Kidnapped Governor?"
"Did Trump's Tweet Lead To Racists Burning Down Mosque? (w/ Dean Obeidallah)"
"Did a Dictator Give Donald the Biggest Bribe in White House History?"
"Did a Foreign Power Fund the Right Wing Riot?"
"Did the Navy Just Confirms UFO Sightings?"
"Did the New York Time Launch Smear Campaign Against Kamala Harris?"
"Do Conservatives Want Us to Take Out Loans for K -12?"
"Do Progressives We Need More Than Just an Elections To Defeat The Trump Cult"
"Do Psychopaths Like Trump Believe Their Own Lies? (w/ Dr. Justin A. Frank)"
"Do They Want To Sacrifice Grandma To COVID-19 To Save Capitalism"
"Do You Empathize With Donald Trump?"
"Do you Regret Voting For Donald Trump?"
"Does Increasing The Minimum Wage Increase Prices?"
"Does Trump Think Millions Of Dead Americans Is A Good Job?"
"Does Trump Want Autocracy to Replace Liberal Democracy?"
"Does Vienna's Affordable Housing Model Prove Progressive Policies Right? Richard Wolff"
"Donald Trump Attacks Socialism To Cut Your Social Safety Net"
"Donald Trump is Playing the Media and the American People (2019)"
"Donald Trump's Contradictory Defense Could Prove His Guilt"
"Dumb Senator Thinks WWII Battled Socialism Not Fascism"
"Election 2020 Issues: What About Our Democracy?"
"Election Violence Escalates: Right-Wing Extremists Opt for Bullets Over Ballots w/ Greg Palast"
"Exposing GOP Made Up Scandals Cost to Democracy!"
"Exposing Trump's Crimes"
"Exposing Trumps' God Complex (w/ Dr. Justin A. Frank)"
"Exposing the Secret Christian Group Seeking Political Power"
"Extremist Talking Points Lead Man To Attack Nine Year Old… To “Save The Children” WHY??"
"Facebook Lets Breitbart Pass Misinformation. Why? (w/ Judd Legum)"
"Far Right Almost Took Over Germany"
"Florida Students Required to Register Political Views?"
"For Trump Capitalism and Treason go Hand and Hand"
"Former Congressman Wants to Testify Against John Boehner's Crimes"
"Fox News Wants Minimum Wage Abolished"
"GOP Mafia: Is Trump The Godfather Of Ukraine Scandal?"
"GOP Thinks Taxing The Rich is Lunatic"
"Green New Deal - Why Won’t Conservatives Tell the Truth?"
"Green New Deal : What You Need to Know (w/ Noah Smith)"
"Has America Had a More Depraved Prez Than Trump?"
"Has Roosevelt's Warning Against Fascism Come True?"
"Has Socialism Broken The Chains of Neoliberalism?"
"Have the Republican Party Become a Cult?"
"Here's What Authoritarians Love to Buy & Use"
"How "Right to Work" Laws Take Away Your Rights!"
"How & Why The Press Makes Us Hate One Another (w/Matt Taibbi)"
"How Arresting Trump Could Solve Border Crisis"
"How Brett Kavanaugh Saved Trump and Doomed Democracy"
"How Bush's Enhanced Interrogation Led To Trump's Secret Police"
"How Capitalism & the GOP Set North Carolina Up for Disaster Against Hurricane Florence"
"How Cowboys & Capitalism are Ruining the American West"
"How Dark Money Impacts America (w/ Prof. Richard Wolff)"
"How Democratic Socialism Can Save America (w/ Bernie Sanders)"
"How Directionless Trump Response Puts U.S. In Danger!"
"How Do We Deal With Billionaires? (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"How Do We Deal with a Lawless President?"
"How Far will the Morbidly Rich & Donald Trump Go?"
"How Male Judges Are Stopping the #MeToo Movement in It's Tracks (w/Guest Victoria Jones)"
"How Much Can Be Charged for a Burger? (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"How Much Was Trump Zelensky Conversation Redacted?"
"How Mueller Could Have Convicted Trump"
"How Republicans Use Debt as a Political Tool To Win Elections"
"How White Evangelicals Sold Their Soul to Donald Trump To Bring About Armageddon"
"How an African American Man was Nearly Murdered by Police For Donating to the Poor"
"How to Break Through To Trump's Cult (w/ Steven Hassan)"
"If Enough Young People Vote There Won't Be Any Republicans Left (w /Nick Guthman)"
"If Trump Declared Martial Law Would He Still Be President?"
"If You Saw The Bodies?"
"Immigrants Won't Take Your Job The Morbidly Rich Already Did!"
"Impeach Trump or Face the End of Democracy"
"Impeaching Donald Trump: Top Five Arguments"
"Impeachment Should Include Every Trump Crime!"
"Impeachment: Why Censuring Trump Isn't Enough"
"In 33 Years The Rich Will Own All the Wealth in America!"
"Inside The Coup Against Bolivia (w/ Medea Benjamin)"
"Iran Vows Severe Revenge after Qasem Soleimani (w/ Jamal Abdi)"
"Is America a "Melting Pot" or a Racist Nation?"
"Is Bret Kavanaugh a Get Out Of Jail Free Card for Donald Trump?"
"Is COVID Data Being Manipulated? (w/ Jean Ross)"
"Is Florida the First State to Lose Democracy?"
"Is Free Speech Dead? She Was Arrested For Saying Three Words"
"Is It Time to Find Alternatives to Capitalism"
"Is Republican Party Policy Leaving People With No Choice?"
"Is There Any Difference Between Mob Rule & Democracy?"
"Is This Proof Trump Threatened Georgia Officials?"
"Is This Proof Trump Was Installed By Putin?"
"Is This The End Of The Post Office? (w/ Mark Dimondstein)"
"Is Today's GOP So Spineless They Wouldn't Have Impeached Richard Nixon (w/guest Mark Pocan)"
"Is Trump Positioning Himself to be Supreme Dictator?"
"Is Trump The New Confederate President?"
"Is Trump Using Ronald Reagan's Strategies to Subvert Democracy?"
"Is Trump's COVID Response an Old GOP Strategy?"
"Is it Time to Abolish Daylight Savings Time?"
"Is the American Far Right Responsible for Stochastic Terrorism?"
"Is the GOP Insanity Being Driven By Trump or 40 Years of Madness?"
"Is the Media Trying to Make Bernie Sanders Look Crazy?"
"Is the Midwest Flooding an Act of God or Big Oil?"
"It's Time To Overthrow Our Leaders Not Replace Them!"
"Jeffery Epstein's Mysterious Suicide Raises More Questions"
"Leaked Documents Expose Amazon's Exploitation To Gobble Up America"
"Lies Led To Trump's Insurrection (w/ Joe Madison)"
"Martin Luther King Jr's Radical Legacy!"
"Mayor's Vision For America Brings You Up & Trump Down (w/ Mark Gamba )"
"Media Won't Use This Word To Describe Trump.... Why?"
"Medicare For All Saves Money (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"Meet The Trolls Being Paid To Tear America Apart"
"Mental Health or Video Games: Whats Causing America's Gun Violence Problem?"
"Money Created Out of Thin Air? (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"Move Over Socialism: Democrats Need to Reclaim the Word "Freedom""
"Mueller Report : Time To Protest (w/ Zac Petkanas)"
"Mueller Report Complete: Will Barr Hide Trump's Un-Indicted Crimes?"
"Mueller Report: Trump’s Plan to Incite Supporters!"
"Musical Satirist Roy Zimmerman Mocks Donald Trump in Live Music Set"
"Nixon Southern Strategy Rises Again"
"No Collusion: The William Barr Bald Assertion"
"Only Radical Change Can Stop Capitalism's Biggest Crash Yet (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"Part 2 - Dr. Justin A. Frank - Conversations w/Great Minds"
"President Trump Impeachment - Is Now the Time?"
"Private Companies Stole Enough Money To Fund Medicare For All?"
"Protections for Corporations in Heart of Trump Free Trade"
"QANON: Everything You Need to Know (w/ Dr. Jack Bratich)"
"Ravaged Puerto Rico Robbed By Trump Administration!"
"Republican Snowflakes Manufacturer Propaganda"
"Republican Strategy to Win: Lie & Cheat!"
"Republicans Shake in Boots as Progressive Democrats Work Towards Providing Basic Human Rights"
"Republicans Stole the 2024 Election - And No One Knows"
"Right Wing Robo Calls Tell Citizens to Exterminate Undocumented People"
"SCOTUS Morphs Florida Into Cesspool & Your State Is Next"
"SCOTUS To AXE ALL Federal Agencies Thanks To Obscure Ruling"
"Scary Reason Why Seattle Banned Facial Recognition (w/ Jeanne Kohl-Welles)"
"Sea Level Rise: Here Comes Hell and High Water (w/ Dr. Ben Strauss)"
"Secret GOP Chaos Plan Exposed"
"Secret Service Cuts Power to Venezuelan Embassy! (w/ Kymone Freeman)"
"Sen. Ron Wyden Exposes Secret NRA Connection To Russia!"
"Senator Jeff Merkley Fights the Dishonorable Judge Brett Kavanaugh"
"Shocking Differences Between Trumpian GOP and Democrats"
"Shocking Reason Reagan Tried To Kill The Middle Class"
"Should Police be able to Use Facial Recognition Technology?"
"Should Protesters Be Able To Go This Far?"
"Should Trump Be Committed to a Mental Health Facility?"
"Shouldn't the Senate Represent the People? (w/ Larry Cohen)"
"Shutdown Creates Insecurity for Your Food Stamps"
"Shutdown is Libertarian Dream & Nightmare for Democracy"
"Skipping the 2020 Census Citizenship Question (w/ Greg Palast)"
"Socialism Is the People: Authoritarianism Is Against the People"
"Socialism and Communism Poll: At an All Time High? (w/ Marion Smith)"
"Socialism: Is it in the DNA of Every American?"
"Stopping Trump's Death Cult Won't Be Easy..."
"Surprise Billing is Bankrupting Americans!"
"Teachers Can't Say Nazis Are The Bad Guys?"
"Telepathy is Possible, Said Soviet Spy (w/ Dr. Edwin C. May)"
"Texas Abortion Hypocrites Don't Care Once You're Born"
"The Koch Brothers Exposed!"
"The Absurd Level Donald Trump & Republicans Brought America & How We Can Get Out"
"The Alt Right has Come up with a Conspiracy Theory Worse than Pizzagate"
"The Big Lie at The Heart Of America's Problems"
"The Big Lie: Exposing Trump's Dangerous Strategy"
"The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump's Mental Health (w/ Dr. Bandy Lee)"
"The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America"
"The End of Cheap Money and Cheap Loans (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"The GOP Is Trying to Steal Your Vote this Very Second (w/Guest Greg Palast)"
"The Hacking of the 2016 Election: How Privatization Made Your Votes Vulnerable"
"The Hidden History of the Supreme Court & The Betrayal of America!"
"The History of The Second Amendment that the Gun Lobby and the NRA Don't Want You to Know"
"The Killer Inspiration Behind Ayn Rand's Libertarian Hero"
"The Last Time Banks Did This... They Caused A Financial Crash (w/Richard Wolff)"
"The Long History of People Who Didn't Care When they Should Have"
"The Low Cap on Disability Income (w/guest Mark Pocan)"
"The National Emergency Trump & the Media Won’t tell You About!"
"The Obscure History of the Racist Code Words Republicans are Using and How to Decipher Them"
"The Progressive Hippocratic Oath: On Not Working With Trump To Do Harm"
"The Proven Strategy to Beat Donald Trump in 2020"
"The Real Court-Packing Debate Disclosed (Thom vs John Vecchione)"
"The Real Reason Ayn Rand Hated Reagan One"
"The Republican War on Social Security (w/ R.J. Eskow)"
"The Rich Will Rewrite the Constitution If Trump Is Reelected in 2020"
"The Shrinking Difference Between Today's Working Class and Feudal Serfs (w/ Prof Richard Wolff)"
"The Time The NRA and Ronald Reagan worked together to Disarm a Well Regulated Militia"
"The True History of Libertarianism in America"
"The Trump Administration - What If This IS Who We Are?"
"The Two Santa Claus Theory: Republican Strategy to Dismantle the Social Safety Net"
"The Untold History of Police Violence & The People Who Fought Back (w/ Elizabeth Hinton)"
"These 17 States Are Rigging The 2022 Election"
"These Killers Are Hiding Among Us... You Are In Danger"
"These Millionaires Want To Pay More Taxes (w/ Nick Hanauer)"
"This Crisis Threatens All Life On Earth... But Nothing Is Being Done To Stop It?"
"This Oath Keeper Calls For Peace But Will Others Do the Same?"
"Treason & High Crimes: Everything You Need To Know"
"Trickle Down Hatred: How Right Wing Prejudice Increased Bullying (2019)"
"True Christianity Only Exists on the Left (w/ David Horowitz)"
"Trump Admits To Stealing 2016 Election? (w/ Justin Frank)"
"Trump Could Win 2020 by Stealing"
"Trump Friends With Dictators Not Democracy"
"Trump Guts National Forest Protections!"
"Trump Is A Giant Boost To Imperialism (w/ Katrina vanden Huevel)"
"Trump Is What Happens When Americans Forget What Fascism Looks Like"
"Trump Openly Breaking the Law"
"Trump Pushes Racism Harder and It Could Get Him Re-Elected"
"Trump Unleashes An "Act of War" Against Democracy (w/Joe Walsh)"
"Trump Will Cut These 34 Lifesaving Government Services Next Week!"
"Trump is Hiding The Truth About JFK (w/ Lamar Waldron)"
"Trump on the Couch (w/ Dr. Justin Frank)"
"Trump the First President To... WHAT?"
"Trump's Big Lie At War With Democracy"
"Trump's Psychotic Lawsuit To Save Himself (w/ Dr. Justin Frank)"
"Trump's Secret Strategy Behind Government Shutdown"
"Trump's Taxes Reveal He Lied, But Do Conservatives Care? (w/ Julio Rivera )"
"Trump's World of Corruption Exposed"
"Unmasking Portland's Secret Police Kidnapping Peaceful Protesters (w/ Aaron Mesh)"
"Urgent Plan to Help Americans (w/ Rep Pramila Jayapal)"
"Vicky Ward on Kushner, Inc. Greed, Ambition, and Corruption!"
"Voter Purges Put Georgia Election Results Too Close (w/ Greg Palast)"
"War Will not Solve Climate Change"
"Was Trump's Ear Really Injured?"
"Was Trump's Secretary of Defense Abuse Hidden By Republicans?"
"We CAN Indict a Sitting President!"
"What Are Mike Pence's Real Motives As Impeachment Continues? (w/ Tom LoBianco)"
"What Becomes of America If Donald Trump is Reelected?"
"What Happens When Americans Go On Fake News Diet?"
"What Is Neoliberalism?"
"What Ross Perot Got Right that the Corporate Media Won't Tell You!"
"What Will Happen If America Shuts Down? (w/Professor Richard Wolff)"
"What Will Happen When Republicans Remove The Pillars Of Democracy?"
"What if Carter's Second Term Hadn't Been Stolen? p1"
"What if Carter's Second Term Hadn't Been Stolen? p2"
"What if Trump Refuses To Give Up Power? - Authoritarian America?"
"What is it Going to Take for Us to Stop the Rise of Fascism in America?"
"When Fox Lies To The Public & Advises The President"
"When the Economy Crashes Will America Move to the Hard Right?"
"Why ADHD is Often Missed in Girls and Women"
"Why Are Billionaires Fund Go Back To Work Protest?"
"Why Are Sheriffs Refusing to Enforce the Law in Washington State?"
"Why Are Trump's Storm Troopers Sexually Assaulting Protesters?"
"Why Aren't Americans Proud to be American Anymore?"
"Why Corporate Media Wants Corporate Funded Politicians"
"Why Democrats Fall For This Trap Over & Over?"
"Why Did Donald Trump Go To The Hospital?"
"Why Did Trump Warn Wall Street About COVID?"
"Why Do Psychopaths In Suits Get Away With Murder?"
"Why Do Some Americans Still Support Trump?"
"Why Donald Trump Doesn't Deserve Credit for Korea Peace"
"Why George Washington Would be Prosecuting Gina Haspel"
"Why Is the Media Not Treating Insurrectionists as Criminals?"
"Why Isn’t Open Corruption Being Called Out?"
"Why Mueller Investigation Was Deeply Flawed (w/ Kenneth F. McCallion)"
"Why Some Millionaires Are Fighting to Pay More in Taxes"
"Why Trump Could Suspend All Future Elections"
"Why Trump Has No Courage (w/ Justin A. Frank)"
"Why We Need A Record Of Trumps Crimes"
"Why is Cyntoia Brown In Prison For Self Defense?"
"Will 2020 Hopefuls Break Up Corporations To Save Democracy?"
"Will America's Capitalists Pull Us Into War & Fascism Featuring Richard Wolff?"
"Will Devin Nunes End up in Jail?"
"Will Proof Brett Kavanaugh Committed Perjury Kick Him Off The Court?"
"Will Trump Get Away With Destroying Democracy?"
"Will Trump Go After Whistle Blower for Revealing Treason?"
"Will Trump Loss Turn Worst President Into Martyr?"
"Will Trump Pelosi Infrastructure Deal Lead to Second Term for Trump?"
"Will Women Vote for Trump After This?"
"Will You Be Locked up If Trump Is Reelected?"
"Will You Leave The Country To Get Affordable Medical Care?"
"Would Trump Resign For Nixon-Like Immunity?"
"Your Next Vote Probably Won't Be Counted (w/ Greg Palast )"