Youtube activity of "Kevin Oliver" (@kevinoliver3083) on "Forgotten Weapons" channel.
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Kevin Oliver
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Comments by video
""Fat Mac" - SSK Industries' .950 JDJ Rifle"
"(A Few of) The Many Faces of the Dutch M95 Carbine"
".22-06 Duplex M1 Garand"
".303 Lewis Gun at the Range"
".577 Caliber Bland-Pryse Stopping Revolver"
"11mm Vickers "Balloon Buster" Machine Gun"
"1854 Treuille de Beaulieu: Open-Bolt Pinfire for the Imperial Guard"
"1884 Kropatschek: Groundwork for the Lebel"
"1884 Tacticool: Silver & Fletcher's "Expert" Auto-Ejector"
"1891 Salvator-Dormus: The First Automatic Pistol"
"2-Gun Match: Enfield Jungle Carbine & Martini-Henry"
"3.7cm PAK - Germany's Basic WWII Antitank Gun"
"A Mild Rant: Stupid Marketing Names"
"A Rare World War One Sniper's Rifle: Model 1916 Lebel"
"A Unique Partnership: Czech Mausers for Ethiopia after WWII"
"AFN-49: The Forgotten Full-Auto Brother of the FN-49"
"Adventures in Surplus: A WW1 & Weimar Police Kar98a Carbine"
"All the Blammo: HK51 at the Range"
"All the Guns on a T-62 Tank (with Nicholas Moran, the Chieftain)"
"America's First Assault Rifle: Burton 1917 LMR"
"America's WW1 Trench Rifle: The Cameron-Yaggi 1903"
"American Mosin Nagant Rifles"
"American Viven-Bessières WW1 Grenade Launcher"
"Ammo Evaluation: Romanian 8mm Mauser"
"Announcing "History of Weapons & War" - Streaming App for Firearms Video!"
"ArcFlash Labs' GR-1 Anvil Portable Gauss Rifle"
"Argentine Brass Maxim: A Machine Gun of the Steampunk Age"
"Armaguerra Last-Ditch M35 Pistol"
"Armalite AR-17: A Shotgun from the World of Tomorrow!"
"Arming God's Battalions: a Papal States Rolling Block"
"Arming the Lion of Judah: Ethiopian FN Mauser Rifles & Carbines"
"Ask Ian: Analyzing the Savage Rotating Barrel (at 7500 frames/sec)"
"Ask Ian: Did the Finns Hate the Carcano?"
"Ask Ian: Going Broke Making Guns During War"
"Ask Ian: Tractors to Typewriters, Non-Gun Companies Making Guns?"
"Ask Ian: Why No German WW2 50-Cal Machine Guns? (feat. Nick Moran)"
"Astra 600/43: A Straight Blowback 9mm for the Wehrmacht"
"At the Range with the Marlin UD-42 SMG"
"Austrian Rast & Gasser 1898 at the Range"
"B&T VP9 Silenced Pistol: A Modern Welrod"
"BUG Match Pickelhaube Edition: German 1883 Reichsrevolver"
"BUG Match: Guns of James Bond"
"Barnekov Greene Prototype 1870 Open-Bolt Army Rifle"
"Beecher's Bible: A Sharps 1853 from John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry"
"Before the High Power was the FN Grand Rendement"
"Beltfed Madsen LMG: When the Weird Gets Weirder"
"Belton Repeating Flintlock: A Semiautomatic Rifle in 1785"
"Benke Thiemann Folding Luger Stock"
"Beretta Model 1923"
"Beretta Model 1931"
"Berettas With Bayonets: The Very Early Model 38A SMG"
"Bergmann 1920s Experimental Military Trials Pistol"
"Bergmann's MP35 Submachine Gun: It Feeds From the Wrong Side"
"Bergmann-Bayard M1910/21 at the Range"
"Bernardelli UB: Hammer and Striker Fired 9mm Blowback"
"Best of American and Europe: the Webley No5 Express New Army"
"Bethlehem Steel 37mm Cannon - WWI Era"
"Biggest Revolver Yet? A 10-Gauge Colt 1855..."
"Book Review: La Régia Fabbrica d'Armi di Terni"
"Bowie Knife Bayonet and Bolo Bayonet for the US Krag"
"Boys Mk I Anti-Tank Rifle at the Range"
"Breda 37: Italy's Forgotten Heavy Machine Gun"
"Britain Goes From Trainer to Competition: the No 8 Mk I"
"Britain's Experimental Viper No.3 SMG/PDW"
"British "Life Buoy" WWII Flamethrower"
"British .303 Browning Mk II* Aircraft Machine Gun"
"British 1942 Prototype Simplified...Enfield?"
"British Ballester Molina for Special Operations Executive"
"British Boys Anti-Tank Rifle"
"But Does it Take 1911 Mags? Prototype Winchester 1905SL in .45 ACP"
"CZ Model S Prototype (1929)"
"CZ38 - The Czech Ugly Ducking"
"Canadian 8mm “Sterile” Bren Gun"
"Canadian Ross MkIII Sniper Rifle with Warner & Swasey Scope"
"Chambers Flintlock Machine Gun from the 1700s"
"Charola Y Anitua: Tiny Spanish Broomhandles"
"Chauchat: Shooting, History, and Tactics"
"Chinese 7.62mm Sten Gun"
"Chinese Mystery Mauser: Fake FN Model 30"
"Chinese Warlord Rifles: Hanyang Type 88, aka Type Han"
"Chrysanthemums in the Snow: Finnish Arisaka Rifles"
"Civil War Smith Carbine and its Rubber Cartridges"
"Clement Pottet: Father of the Shotgun Shell"
"Collier Flintlock Revolvers"
"Colonial Berthiers: 1902 Indochina and 1907 Senegalese"
"Colt 1855 Revolving Rifle at the Range"
"Colt 1902 Philippine Model"
"Colt 1903 in US Military Service (and for the OSS)"
"Colt 601: The AR-15 Becomes a Military Rifle"
"Colt Automatic Machine Rifle Model 1919: the First Commercial BAR"
"Colt CK901: An AR in 7.62x39mm for the Yemeni Military"
"Colt R75A: The Last Commercial BAR (With Shooting)"
"Colt Shotguns of the Old West: 1878 and 1883"
"Colt's .41 Derringers: Buyout and Innovation"
"Colt's First Double Actions: The 1877 Lightning & Thunderer"
"Colt's MG52-A: Water-Cooled 50-Caliber Heavy Machine Gun for the World"
"Colt-Berdan I: Russia's First Military Cartridge Rifle"
"Colt-Burgess 1883 Carbine"
"Contracts & Bankruptcy: The Hopkins & Allen Model 1889 for Belgium"
"Converting the Lebel to 7.5mm: The M27 Lebel"
"Croatian HS-91: A Mystery Hybrid of M56 and PPSh-41"
"Croatian Improvised Weapons: From Obrez to Single-Shot Yugo M70 Hybrid"
"Custom Transferrable 7mm BAR"
"Czech M14: The ZK-420S Battle Rifle"
"Deliberately Obsolete: Ottoman S&W New Model No.3 in .44 Henry Rimfire"
"Did Hitler Cancel the Sturmgewehr?"
"Enfield MkII: Better Than the MkI, I Guess"
"English Transitional Pepperbox Revolver"
"Enjoying Black Powder Episode 5: The Remington Rolling Block"
"Estonia's Domestic Arms Production: Arsenal Tallinn SMG"
"Estonian Snipers: Enfields in 7.62x54R and Arisakas in .303 British"
"Ethiopian Oddities: A Long Lee / SMLE Hybrid"
"Ethiopian ZH-29 and Czech Experimental Z-37"
"Everything Wrong with the Sniper Rifles in "Enemy at the Gates”"
"Evolution of the Submachine Gun: Three Distinct Generations"
"Experimental .30-40 Trapdoor Springfield"
"Experimental Remington-Keene: Preventing Magazine Detonations"
"Extra-Fancy 20-Shot Pinfire Revolver"
"FN Grand Browning: The European 1911 that Never Happened"
"FN Model 30: The First Belgian BAR"
"FNAB 43: From WW2 Italy to Algerian Independence"
"Fancy Martini-System Venus Pistole"
"Farquhar Hill: Britain's WW1 Semiauto Rifle"
"Ferguson Breechloading Flintlock"
"Fight! Othais vs Ian on the Air Service 1903 Springfield!"
"Finland's First Domestic Handgun: the Ahlberg"
"Finland's M39 PH Sniper from the Continuation War"
"Finnish Bofors 37mm anti-tank gun"
"Finnish LS-26 at the Range"
"First Pattern 1865 Allin Conversion - Trapdoor Springfield"
"First Variation Flatside Winchester 1895 Musket"
"Forgotten Web Gear: Johnson LMG Magazine Backpack"
"Fosbery's Paradox, by Holland and Holland"
"France's Final Battle Rifle Iteration: The MAS 49-56"
"France's Super-Light 50mm Modele 37 Grenade Launcher"
"French 1878 Marine Kropatschek"
"French C6 Long-Recoil Prototype Semiauto Rifle"
"French Gendarmerie C96: A German Pistol for the Occupation"
"French NATO Standardization: the MAS 49-56 in 7.62mm"
"French Remington Rolling Block in 8mm Lebel"
"French Resistance 2-Gun: FG-42 & Mle 1935A (Prep for Desert Brutality)"
"French Rifle Ammunition: 8mm Lebel and 7.5mm French"
"French Winchester 94: A Backup Arm for Fliers and Drivers"
"French military revolvers - M1873 and M1892"
"G33/40: German Elite Alpine Troops' Carbine"
"G33/40: Special Carbine for the Gebirgsjager"
"Garand Primer-Activated 1924 Trials Rifle"
"German Sten Copy: MP 3008, aka Gerät Neumünster"
"German Troop Trials "Push-Button" Gewehr 41(W)"
"German World War One Gewehr 98 Sniper"
"German-Capture 1910 Russian Maxim in 8x57"
"Germany Adopts the PPSh in 9mm: the MP-41(r)"
"Germany Copies the Soviets: L23 & L27 Silencers"
"Germany's First Smokeless Carbines: the Kar 88 and Gewehr 91"
"Germany's L26 Silencer for the K98k, G43, and StG44"
"Gewehr 29/40 Mauser"
"Gewehr 71 with Experimental Magazine"
"Granatbüchse GrB-39 Antitank Rifle"
"Great Celebrity Breakups: Winchester and John Browning"
"Greener's Humane Horse Killer"
"Gun Yoga Fail: The Fagnus Revolver"
"Guns in the Movies - like this S&W Model 29"
"Göring's Platinum Lugers"
"HK-32 Prototype in 7.62x39mm"
"HK4: Heckler & Koch's Multi-Caliber Pocket Pistol"
"HK51: The SAS' Full Auto Flashbang Dispenser"
"Hagen Prototype Semiauto Rifle"
"Hand-Fitted Parts Firsthand: French Modele 1874"
"Headspace-Operated Prototype Rifle - Yeah, it's as Weird as it Sounds"
"Heavy But Effective: Britain's No4 MkI (T) Sniper Rifle"
"Hi-Point YC-9 Yeet Cannon at the BUG Match"
"History of SAW Use in the US Army"
"History of the Krummlauf Device: Hitler's Folly (One of Many)"
"Hotchkiss Portative Disassembly"
"Hotchkiss Portative: Clunky But Durable"
"Hotchkiss Universal SMG at the Range"
"Hotchkiss Universal: The Most Folding Gun Made"
"How Companies Bend US Import Laws (An Example)"
"How William Fairbairn Created the Modern SWAT Team in Warlord Era Shanghai"
"Hungarian WWII Rifles (35M, 43M, G98/40)"
"I Can't Believe It's Not Sporterized! Mexican Colt 1902 Military"
"Ian Ruins the Elbonian Sniper Corps"
"Imperial Gewehr 71"
"Improving Mosins: The Estonian M1935"
"Inglis High Power: How a Chinese Whim Became A British Service Pistol"
"Italian Trials Czech ZK-391 Semiauto Rifle"
"Italian Vitali 1910 Pistol"
"Italy's WW1 Heavy Machine Gun: FIAT-Revelli Modello 1914"
"Italy's Worst Machine Gun: The Breda Modello 30"
"James Reid No.2 Revolver"
"Japanese 7.65mm Hamada Pistol"
"Japanese Army Pedersen Copy Trials Rifle"
"Japanese Contract Steyr-Solothurn S1-100 (aka MP34)"
"Japanese Type 100 Paratrooper"
"Japanese Type 97 Sniper Rifle"
"Japanese Type I Carcano"
"Japanese WW2 Training Machine Gun"
"JoLoAr .45 ACP One-Hand-Cocking Pistol"
"Johnson M1941 Rifle"
"Just Too Powerful: The C96 in 9mm Mauser Export"
"Kalashnikov vs Sturmgewehr!"
"Khyber Pass Martini Pistol"
"Knight's Assault Machine Guns at the Range"
"Kommer Models 3 and 4: German Browning Copies"
"Krieghoff 8mm Mauser Carcano for the Volkssturm"
"L41: Arado's WW2 Experimental MP40 Silencer"
"LMT Ion-LT Suppressor: Multipurpose, Light, u0026 Low Back-Pressure"
"Lahti L-35: Finland's First Domestic Service Automatic Pistol"
"Lahti-Saloranta LS-26: Finland's Domestic LMG"
"Last Ditch Innovation: The Development of the Gerat 06 and Gerat 06H Rifles"
"Last Gasp of the German Maxim: the Air-Cooled MG 08/18"
"Last of the Czech Mausers: the East German TGF1950 Goes to Ethiopia"
"Le Français Type Armée - A Strange Service Pistol"
"Lee 1875 Vertical Action Carbine"
"Lee Carbine: Gunmaking is not for the Faint of Heart"
"Lee Metford MkI: Great Britain's First Magazine Rifle"
"Lee Metford and Lee Enfield Carbines for the Cavalry"
"Lee-Speed Military Model Commercial Enfield"
"Lewis Gun at the Range"
"Light, Mobile, and Deadly: the French Mle 1937 25mm Puteaux AT Gun"
"Loading Tool for a .31 Caliber Volcanic Repeater"
"Luftwaffe-Issue Walther PP & PPK Pistols"
"Lugers for the Dutch East Indies Army"
"Luxembourg Model 1884 Gendarmerie Nagant"
"M1 Carbine on the PCC Course of Fire"
"M1903 Sniper Rifle with Warner & Swasey M1913 Musket Sight"
"M1903 Springfield - Stripped for Air Service"
"M1909 Benet Mercie - America's First LMG"
"M1944E1/M1945 Johnson Light Machine Gun"
"M3 and M3A1 Grease Gun SMGs"
"M37: The Ultimate Improved Browning 1919"
"M38 Carcano: Best Bolt Rifle of World War Two?"
"M98kF1 ZF41: Norway Recycles Germany's Worst Sniper Rifle"
"MAC 1950: Tactical Shooting Competition"
"MAS Type 62: France Does the FAL, With a Twist"
"MAS-36: The Backup Rifle is Called to Action"
"MAS-49 Carabine Mitrailleuse: A French Prototype Lever-Delayed Assault Rifle"
"MG-17 German Aircraft Machine Gun"
"MG-34: The Universal Machine Gun Concept"
"MSBS "Grot" Ceremonial Parade Rifle (Honor Guard Version)"
"Machine Gun Terminology - LMG, MMG, SAW, LSW, HMG, GPMG"
"Madsen LMG Disassembly & Functioning"
"Madsens in the Favelas: The LMG Still Going Strong With Rio's Military Police"
"Major Fosbery's Automatic Revolver: History and Mechanics"
"Makarov: The Soviets Adopt Some Weird Proprietary Caliber"
"Mannlicher 88/95 - A Rare World War One Update"
"ManuFrance Commercial Luger"
"Marga Trials Rifle: Competition For the Belgian Army"
"Marlin 7MG aka Model 1917 Aircraft Machine Gun"
"Marlin M2 at the Range: A Remarkably Nice SMG"
"Mars Automatic Pistols"
"Martini-Henry I.C.1 Carbine"
"Maschinengewehr des Standschützen Hellriegel: A WW1 Phantom"
"Mauser "Zigzag" Revolver Patent Model and its Unique Cartridge"
"Mauser 06/08 Semiauto Pistol"
"Mauser 1877 Single-Shot Pistol"
"Mauser Schnellfeuer: The Official Full Auto C96 Broomhandle"
"Mauser Selbstlader M1916 (Infantry Version)"
"Mauser Showdown at the Range - C96, Carbine, and Schnellfeuer"
"Mauser WW1 Flyer's Rifle: the Flieger Selbstlader Karabiner 1916"
"Maxim Pom-Pom 37mm Machine Gun"
"Maxims in the Skies: the German LMG 08/15"
"McCarty's Peculiar Revolver"
"Model 1881 Trapdoor Forager: Cheap Entertainment for the Troops"
"Model 1883 Reichsrevolvers"
"Modele 1890 Berthier Cavalry Carbine"
"Mondragon 1894 Straight-Pull Bolt Action Rifle"
"Mosin 91/30 PU: Soviet Standard WW2 Sniper's Rifle"
"Mosin Nagant M91/30 PU Sniper"
"Mounties' First Revolver: the NWMP Adams MkIII"
"Municion L.M.P. 1889: Paris Commune to Spanish Civil War"
"Musket to Big-Bore Rimfire: the Roberts Short-Frame Conversion"
"My Favorite Chinese Warlord Pistol: the Luger Grip Type"
"New .44 AutoMag at the BackUp Gun Match"
"New Laugo Creator 500 Alien at the Range"
"No5 MkI Enfield "Jungle Carbine""
"Nomar M1911 Magazine-Stock"
"North China Type 19: The Improved Nambu Pistol"
"Norwegian M1914 Kongsberg Colt"
"Nova Modul CTS9: a 9mm AK Upgraded for Competition"
"Odd BSA Prototype Charger Bridge Long Lee"
"Older Gun With Newer Ammo: A Centerfire Winchester 1866"
"Optics on Sturmgewehrs: Was This Really A Thing?"
"Ordnance Research SSP-91, aka the Lone Eagle"
"PIAT: Britain's Answer to the Anti-Tank Rifle Problem"
"PTRS 41: The Soviet Semiauto Antitank Rifle (aka an SKS on Steroids)"
"Pacific Theater USMC-Modified Johnson M1941 Rifle"
"Pair of Rigby Triple-Barrel Percussion Derringers"
"Panzerbüchse 39 German Anti-Tank Rifle"
"Parabellum 1914/17: Germany's Ultimate Aircraft Maxim"
"Patchett Machine Carbine Mk I: Sten Becomes Sterling"
"Pattern 14 MKI W (T) - The Best Sniper Rifle of World War One"
"Pattern 1913 Enfield Trials Rifle"
"Pavesi 1942 Prototype Italian Semiauto Rifle"
"Pinfire LeMat Grapeshot Revolver"
"Pleter M91: Croatia's High Quality STUzi"
"Polish and German Police Silenced CZ-27 Pistols"
"Portuguese Navy Luger"
"Predecessor to the Mosin: the Russian Berdan II"
"Prototype 9mm Clement Military Pistol"
"Prototype CZ-38 Trials Rifle"
"Prototype Hungarian 33M Bolt Action Rifle"
"Q&A #10: Collectible Surplus Guns, Dumb US Decisions, and Lots of French Stuff"
"Q&A #15: Disappointing Guns, 7.92x41 CETME, and 1873 Revolvers"
"Q&A #16: Lightning Round!"
"Q&A #8: Triple Locks, New gun development, and the .50 Cal Lewis Gun"
"Q&A 42: Books, Machine Guns, Cannons, and Forgotten Weapons by Mail"
"Q&A 50: Disagreeing With the Premise of the Question"
"Q&A 53: With Matt Larosiere (FRT Trigger) and Russell Phagan (KP-15)"
"Qu0026A: British Small Arms of World War Two"
"Remington 1890: A Half-Hearted Attempt to Dethrone the Colt SAA"
"Remington M1903A4 Sniper at the Range"
"Remington-Lee Model 1899: A Final Smokeless Version"
"Ribeyrolles 1918 - France's First Assault Rifle or a Failed Prototype?"
"Rifles of Emperor Menelik II: Ethiopian Gewehr 88 and Karabiner 88"
"Rifles of Simo Häyhä: The World's Greatest Sniper (w/ 9 Hole Reviews)"
"Rock Island Auction Delivery!"
"Rogers & Spencer .44 Army: Possibly the Best Civil War Revolver"
"Romanian 1930s Mosin Carbine Conversion"
"Romanian Model 1879 Martini-Henry Rifles u0026 Carbines"
"Romanian ZB-30 LMG: Improving the Already-Excellent ZB-26"
"Roth Steyr 1907 at a Run-n-Gun Steel Match"
"Royal NW Mounted Police Ross MkI Carbine & MkII Rifle"
"Russia's Big Fifty on the Range: DShK-38"
"Russian 1895 Nagant Revolver"
"Russian M1870 Galand Revolver"
"Russian Winchester 1895 in 7.62x54R"
"Russian World War 1 Contract Colt 1911"
"S&W 1940 Light Rifles: Receiver Breakage is a Problem"
"SIG M18: New USMC Service Pistol (and Little Brother of the M17)"
"SIG M5 Spear Deep Dive: Is This a Good US Army Rifle?"
"SIG MKPS at the Range"
"SIG MKPS: Possibly the Most Beautiful SMG Ever Made"
"SMLE MkI***: The Updated Early Lee Enfields (and Irish Examples!)"
"SMLE Rifle Grenade Launcher"
"SSG-98k: Austria Repurposes German Sniper Rifles"
"SVD Dragunov: The First Purpose-Built DMR"
"SVT-40: The Soviet Standard Semiauto from WW2"
"Samuel Pauly Invents the Cartridge in 1812"
"San Cristobal Model 2: A Lever-Delayed .30 Carbine"
"Savage .25ACP Automatic Pistol"
"Savage M1918 Aircraft Lewis Gun"
"Savage M1918 Aircraft Lewis at the Range (With Rare Tripod Mount!)"
"Schmeisser's MP-18,I - The First True Submachine Gun"
"Schultz & Larsen RPLT-42: Danish Occupation Rifle"
"Schwarzlose HMG Converted to 8x57mm by Romania"
"Schwarzlose M1907/12 Heavy Machine Gun"
"Scoped C96 "Broomhandle" Sporting Carbine"
"Scotti Model X Italian Prototype - Shooting, History, & Disassembly"
"Sedgley Glove Gun"
"Serbian 1908 Carbine - Light, Handy, and Chambered for 7x57"
"Shanghai Municipal Police Colt 1908"
"Shanghai Municipal Police Colt 1908 in Competition"
"Shooting Shaved Webley Revolvers (w/ Steinel Ammo)"
"Shooting a Krausewerke .45ACP Luger"
"Shooting a Suppressed Sten Gun"
"Shooting a Type 99 Nambu in 7.62mm NATO"
"Shooting a WWII German 50mm Light Mortar (L.Gr.W.36)"
"Shooting the 1883 Reichsrevolver"
"Shooting the AuSTEN MkI - Not Actually So Bad!"
"Shooting the British Farquhar-Hill rifle"
"Shooting the Cameron Yaggi 1903 Trench Rifle Conversion"
"Shooting the Chatellerault FM 24/29 Light Machine Gun"
"Shooting the Czech ZH-29 Rifle"
"Shooting the EM-2 in .280 British"
"Shooting the Inglis 8mm Bren Gun"
"Shooting the MP35: Germany's Left-Handed SMG"
"Shooting the Madsen LMG - The First True LMG"
"Shooting the Webley-Fosbery Automatic Revolver - Including Safety PSA"
"Shooting the ZB-26: A Jewel of an Interwar Light Machine Gun"
"Silent But Deadly: Welrod Mk IIA"
"Single-Rune bnz43 SS Contract K98k"
"Soviet 122mm D30 Cannon (Firing)"
"Soviet PPD-40: Degtyarev's Submachine Gun"
"Soviet World War Two Swords? The Cossack M1927 Shashka"
"Spanish Astra 900 Stocked Pistol"
"Spanish Patent Quirks: Anitua Y Charola's Copy of the Merwin & Hulbert"
"Spencer 1871 Conversion: From Carbine to Infantry Rifle"
"Spitfire: The Semiauto That Became a Machine Gun"
"Stalin's Record Player: The DP-27 Light Machine Gun"
"Stemple STG-34k at the Range"
"Sten Mk5: The Cadillac of the Sten Family"
"Sten MkI u0026 MkI*: The Original Plumber's Nightmare"
"Sten MkIII: A Children's Toy Company Makes SMGs"
"Steyr 1893 Gas-Seal Trials Revolver"
"Steyr Hahn Variants"
"Steyr M30S Prototype: A Repurposed WW1 Improved Mauser"
"Steyr M95 Straight-Pull Semiauto Conversion"
"Steyr Model 1911 Semiautomatic Trials Rifles"
"Steyr-Solothurn S2-200: the Austrian MG30 and Hungarian 31M"
"Steyrs for the Luftwaffe: The G29(ö) aka Gewehr 12/34"
"Strange History: A Remington Rolling Block From the USS Niagara"
"Sturmtruppen Firepower: The Artillery Luger"
"Su0026W M1917: A US Army revolver in .45 ACP"
"Suomi m/31 - Finland's Excellent Submachine Gun"
"Swedish Antiaircraft Artillery: Bofors 40mm Automatic Gun M1"
"Swiss 1929 Simplified Luger (Yes, Swiss and Simplified)"
"Swiss Prototype: N33 Rifle"
"Swiss SK-46 Prototype Semiauto Rifle"
"Tarn: A Terrible British WW2 Experimental Pistol"
"The 1878 Remington-Keene: Tube Fed .45-70 Bolt Action Rifle"
"The Added Safety on German Inter-War SMGs"
"The BAR M1918A3 by Ohio Ordnance - Shooting and Mechanism"
"The Coolest Volcanic Ever: A Vintage Scoped Pistol-Carbine"
"The Crazy Guns of the Winchester-Bannerman Pump Action Lawsuit"
"The Erma EMP at the Range"
"The First Browning 1919: The Automatic Tank Machine Gun"
"The First Trapdoor Springfield Carbine, Model 1870"
"The G40k: A German Experimental Mauser Carbine"
"The German WWII Standby: The MP38 and MP40 SMGs"
"The Hotchkiss Heavy: Shooting the Great War's Modele 1914"
"The Hungarian Alternative: G98/40 Rifles in German Service"
"The Italian Last-Ditch TZ-45 Submachine Gun"
"The Luger in Finland"
"The MG 08/15 Updated Between the Wars"
"The MG-15: A Flexible Aircraft Machine Gun Pushed into Infantry Service"
"The Most Ornate Knife-Gun You Will Ever See: CM-1 "Dragon""
"The Most Popular Percussion Colts: 1848 Baby Dragoon and 1849 Pocket"
"The Mystery of James Bond's Long-Barrel .45 Car Gun"
"The Post-War Legacy of the FG42"
"The Prototype .280 FAL from 1950s NATO Trials"
"The Rarest Chassepot: Rifle for the African Cavalry"
"The Real Guns of Star Wars: A New Hope"
"The S&W No.3 Russian Model Made at Tula in Russia"
"The Schmeisser MP-28,II at the Range"
"The Schmeisser MP41: A Hybrid Submachine Gun"
"The Short-Lived No1 Mk6 SMLE Lee Enfield"
"The Swedish m/21 BAR in 6.5x55mm"
"The Three Types of Chassepot Cavalry Carbines"
"The US Adopts A Maxim: The Colt Model 1904"
"Thompson 1921: The Original Chicago Typewriter"
"Thompson Riot Ammo"
"Thorneycroft: A Victorian Bullpup Rifle with Volley Sights"
"Throwback Thursday: Cei Rigotti Rifle Disassembly"
"Top 5 Pistols of World War One (Response to C&Rsenal)"
"Tucker & Sherrard Texas Confederate Revolver"
"Turkish Conehammer "Broomhandle" C96 Mauser"
"Turkish Vickers: A Gun With All the Widgets!"
"Two World Wars: A Weimar Police C96 Mauser"
"Type 100 / 44 (Late Pattern) Japanese SMG"
"Type 18 Murata"
"Type 30 Arisaka"
"Type 92 Japanese HMG"
"US M1915 Bolo Bayonet - Dual Purpose Gear That Worked!"
"USMC Force Recon & MEUSOC: the M45A1"
"UVF Gewehr 88: Gun Running Into Ireland in 1914"
"Ugly Pistol Day at the BUG Match: CZ38"
"Ultimate Recoil: 4-Bore Rifle Edition!"
"Unique Military Trials Steyr-Hahn M1911 Pistol"
"VSS Vintorez: Russia's Silent Sniper Rifle"
"Variations of the .455 Webley Fosbery Automatic Revolver"
"Very Early Mars Pistol #4"
"Very Rare and Mostly Pointless: the Bren Fixed Line Sight"
"Vickers Heavy Machine Gun"
"Vickers Mk IV .50 Caliber Water-Cooled Tank Gun"
"Vickers for Interwar Tanks: The Class C/T Machine Gun"
"W.A.R. - the Winchester Automatic Rifle"
"WW1 British Contract M1911 in .455 Webley Self-Loading"
"WW1 French Contract Colt 1911 for Tank Crewmen"
"WW1 Prideaux Loader for the .455 Webley Revolvers"
"WWI Steyr M95 Sniper Carbine"
"WWI Trench Mauser"
"Wait, Go Back! The SMLE MkIII* Wartime Simplification"
"Walch Navy 12-Shot Revolver"
"Walther HP"
"Walther KPK Pistol"
"Walther Model 6 - WW1 Officer's Sidearm"
"Walther Olympia: Germany's Interwar Target Pistol"
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