Youtube activity of "B Nic" (@bnic9471) on "Styxhexenhammer666" channel.
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B Nic
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Comments by video
""Electeds of Color" lol"
""First Come the Tanks, Then Come the Nukes""
""Go Back to China" Pelosi Tells Anti-War Protestors"
""Hope Note Hate" Corporate Pawns Attack Bitchute"
""In the Event of a Draft"; Selective Service Rants About War as Russia Ignores Pentagon Calls"
""Let Them Eat Cake" Economic Takes All Around from the Pompous Legacy Media"
""Libertarian" New Hampshire Gov Candidate Borysenko Flips At Me, Declines Debate"
""Rat" Rod Rosenstein to Stay a Little Bit Longer at DOJ"
""Right Wing Chaos Agents" lol"
""STARVE THE WARMONGERS": Trump Vows to Restore Presidential Impoundment"
""Trump Used the N Word" According to New Salacious Sputum"
"2020 Democrat Poll Analysis: Sanders Stabilizes, Beto Fails, Booker Gone"
"2021 in Review: One of the Worst Years in American History ft. Substack Analysis"
"2024 Sucked and 2025 Is Starting Off... Weird"
"3d Printing Guns is Now A Fact of Constitutionalism: Deal With It, Statists"
"4chan Allegedly Leaks Hunter Bidens Phone Content"
"50,000,000 Views on Bitchute"
"5th Circuit Rules SEC Judiciary Unconstitutional (BIG News)"
"90 Seconds to Midnight"
"A Biden Harris Civil War?"
"A Bidenomic Recession is Probably Coming and Would be Blamed on Russia and Trump"
"A Big Announcement Re: Uploads etc For the Next Week or So"
"A Brief Explanation of Making Biochar"
"A Dark Day for America: The Manhattan Trial of Trump Begins Today"
"A Few More Shoutouts!"
"A Gag Order for Trump? We'll See lol"
"A Gag Order on Trump Would Backfire Badly"
"A Hilarious Desantis Push Poll and Legacy Media Astroturfing"
"A Hundred Corporations Seek to Subvert State Voting Laws and Institute Fascism"
"A New Drug War Meme... Scromiting"
"A Nobel Peace Prize For Elon Musk? Nope!"
"A Pardon for Julian Assange? Trump on Timcast in Focus"
"A Political "Vibeshift" Due to Trump?"
"A Quaint Remark On GOP Priorities, Antisemitism, and Harvard"
"A Quarter BILLION Views on Youtube Achieved"
"A Real Vermont Winter Experience"
"A Red Minnesota? Maybe but Not Very Likely"
"A SUPERSCANDAL? One-Eye, Gal Luft, and New Hunter Biden Claims"
"A Slurry of Shoutouts and Subscriber Goodies!"
"A Truly Super Tuesday ft. Vermont"
"A Vote for Joe Biden is a Vote for Kamala Harris"
"A War on Gas Ovens?"
"A War on Ukrainian Pixelplanet Spawn Spam"
"A World Recession May Be Beginning"
"A Xenophobic Boston Marathon Decision Against Russian and Belarussian Nationals"
"ADL Finally Declares "OK" Sign and "Bowl Haircut" to be Racist"
"ADL Supports Male Genital Mutilation, Uses Religion as an Excuse"
"AI in the Legal Field? Oh Goodness"
"AOC Predictably Remains Clueless and Braindead"
"AOC is Both Exactly Right and Exactly Wrong on the Democrats "Being in Trouble""
"AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib All Endorse Bernie Sanders"
"Abenaki "Chief" in Vermont Calls for "Indigenous" Peoples Day LOL"
"Abolish Male Circumcision (Genital Mutilation)"
"After Dem Convention Flops, Legacy Media Circles the Wagons, Astrturfs Michelle Obama's Speech"
"Air Travel Between USA and Venezuela Suspended Indefinitely"
"Al Baghdadi Reportedly Dead In US Raid, Dying "Like a Dog, Like a Coward""
"Alan Lichtman and the Keys to the White House Wiggle Room"
"Alex Jones Will be Returning to Twitter (LEGACY MEDIA MELTDOWN!)"
"Allan Lichtman Ragequits Twitter, Flees to Bluesky"
"Allan Lichtman is as Salty As Ever After Being Humiliated"
"Already, 28 House Dems Are Retiring"
"Amber Guygers' Castle Doctrine Defense is Unadulterated Bullshit"
"Amy Klobuchar Berates Trump for not Prejudicing a Jury by Condemning Kyle Rittenhouse"
"An Obvious Attempt to Whitewash Kamala Harris' Faults For If She Becomes President-In-Name"
"An Unrealized Capital Gains Tax is Insane and So Is Kamala Harris"
"Analyzing the Antifa Garden "Progress""
"Andy Beshear Is Linguistically Insane"
"Andy Cuomo Finally Resigns in Disgrace"
"Another "Anonymous Source" Psyop by the Legacy Media Re; Trump and Desantis"
"Another Biden Blunder as All US Troops Are Commanded to Leave Niger"
"Another One Of My Friends is Dead: Why I Fight"
"Another Vegan Goes Meat Crazy! The Doug Ramsey Saga"
"Antifa Criminals Shoot and Kill A New Victim in Portland"
"Antifa so Full of Crap they Put it in Balloons and Tossed it at the Cops"
"Approaching 80,000 Bitchute Subscribers and 10,000,000 Total Views"
"Apps Suck, Desktop Internet is So Great"
"Are The Elites Planning to Assassinate Trump and Blame Iran?"
"Are We Headed for a Second Great Depression? (ft. Ukraine Updates)"
"As Tara Reade Pressure Mounts, Democrats Circle the Wagons Around Joe Biden, Panicked"
"As Unions Balk, Bidens Corporate Allies Scramble to Defend His Green New Deal as "Not Crazy""
"Asst. Editor at Mountain Times Insults Rutland Gun Shop, Deletes Tweet When I ridicule Him"
"Asterisk First Lady Unelect Jill Biden! Confused, Hypocritical SJWs Go Bananas"
"Avenatti and Swetnik Referred for FBI Investigation for Lying to Congress"
"BIDENOMICS! January US Jobs Report Comes In So Poor It Went Deeply Negative"
"BIDENOMICS! Joeys Ultimate Gaslighting and Algorithmic Hijacking"
"BIDENOMICS! Steward Biden Suggests Sapping the Strategic Oil Reserve Even Faster"
"BIDENOMICS! US Gas Prices Skyrocket, Now Top $4.50 a Gallon in Every State"
"BIDENOMICS! US Inflation Hits a Massive 8.6% for May"
"BIG DON: Trump Now Ahead by Double Digits in Every State for the Primary"
"BIG FAIL for Biden as Brittney Griner is Swapped for Viktor Bout"
"BIG WIN: Texas National Guard Evicts the Feds From Shelby Park"
"BLM Attacks Rochester Restaurants, Antifa Chants "Death to America", Portland Riots"
"BLM and Antifa Use the Justified Shooting of Jacob Blake as an Excuse to Riot"
"BLM and Other Leftist Thugs Attack a Wisconsin State Senator, Destroy Union Colonel Statue"
"BOMBSHELL: Joe Met With Hunter Dozens of Times About Business Deals"
"BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump is Eligible, SCOTUS Rules Unanimously"
"BREAKING NEWS: Kamala Harris Reportedly Chooses Tim Walz as Running Mate"
"BREAKING NEWS: Mitch McConnell Stepping Down as Senate GOP Leader!"
"BREAKING NEWS: Nashville Shooter Manifesto is Leaked"
"BREAKING NEWS: Ron Desantis Drops Out, Endorses Donald Trump"
"BREAKING: Bidens Department of Education "Forgives" 39 Billion in Student Loans: Analysis"
"BREAKING: Colorado State Supreme Court Disqualifies Trump For Insurrection"
"BREAKING: Hunter Bidens Plea Deal is Apparently Dead"
"BREAKING: Israel Officially Declares War For the First Time Since the 1970s"
"BREAKING: Joe Biden Exits the Race: Prepare for Chaos!"
"Barnstorming? No, Penthouse-Storming! Biden Begs Frisco and Seattle for Cash"
"Barron Trump Rising"
"Basta! Michael Avenatti's Predictable Fall From Grace"
"Be Aware: The Hunter Biden Gun Charges are a Distraction"
"Behold as the Legacy Media Transforms 17 Year Old Kyle Rittenhouse into a Gestapo Agent"
"Beijing Biden Calls Peter Doocy a "Stupid Son of a Bitch": #Tempertantrumjoe Trends"
"Beijing Biden Gaffe! He Says Chinese Slavery is Just "Different Norms""
"Beijing Biden Hits a New Low in Approval"
"Beijing Biden May Try to Start a War to Distract from his Failures"
"Beijing Biden Moves to Spy On Everyones' Bank Accounts Using Tax Evasion as an Excuse"
"Beijing Biden Unveils Insane, Bloated "Stimulus" Package"
"Beijing Biden is Not in Control of His Fractured Party"
"Beijing Biden to Weaponize the IRS to Target Political Dissidents"
"Beijing Bidens Approval Keeps Slipping, Even More than I Expected"
"Beijing Bidens Approval is Now Underwater Even in Push Polls"
"Beijing Bidens Border Wall Messaging is Outright Insane"
"Beijing Bidens Economy is So Poor, His Approval on the Issue is Lower than Jimmy Carter in 1977"
"Beijing Bidens White House Press Secretary is a Clueless Empty Suit"
"Bernie Sanders Believes the Left Can Stop Populism"
"Bernie Sanders Declares Kamala Harris is Still a Socialist"
"Bernie Sanders Defends Fidel Castro Because He's Totally Just a Social Democrat"
"Bernie Sanders Fan Astroturfing Has Actually Destroyed Socialism for a Generation"
"Bernie Sanders Reverses Endorsement of Cenk Uygur After Mere Hours"
"Bernie Sanders Says Economic Rights are Human Rights: HAHAHA!"
"Bernie Sanders Stubbornly Refuses to Drop Out despite His Campaign Being Doomed"
"Bernie Sanders Suggests Banning Vaping- Massive Damage Control and Media Blackout"
"Bernie Sanders is a Relic of the 1970s and a Snake Oil Salesman"
"Bernie Sanders to Reduce Campaigning: He's Totally, Absolutely Done"
"Bernie Sanders' Political Suicide"
"Beto O'Rourke Champions the Menstrual Equity Act"
"Beto O'Rourkes Wacky Stunt Backfires as Cops Escort Him Out of Uvalde Update Meeting"
"Bette Midler Gets Dragged as Transphobic (And I Love It)"
"Biden Addresses the Nation in an Incoherent and Rambling Speech"
"Biden Admin Tries to Blame Ghost Guns for their Pro-Crime Policies, Vow to Regulate Them"
"Biden Admits Ukraine Moves Will Cause Food Shortages in the US and Europe, Pretends it's "Necessary""
"Biden Begs OPEC to Pump More Oil, Like a Weak and Pathetic Little Baby"
"Biden Begs for 30 Million Dollars to Defeat Trumps Lawsuits Despite Already Crowning Himself"
"Biden Blunders Into the Venezuela-Guyana War"
"Biden Claims He will Press Putin on Human Rights: HAHAHA What a Laugh Riot!"
"Biden Continuously Fails to Pressure Israel to Scale Back its War in Gaza"
"Biden Decides to Get the USA More Involved in the Civil War in Somalia Again"
"Biden Dementia Moment as he Says He'll 'Develop Some Disease and Resign' if he Disagrees with Kamala"
"Biden Effectively Admits Diplomatic Failure, Calls Russian Invasion in Ukraine Imminent"
"Biden Gets His Physical at Walter Reed, And the Legacy Media Breaks Down"
"Biden Gets Sick a Day After Announcing He'd Step Down If He Had a Medical Situation"
"Biden Gives Back to Goldman Sachs- a Major Donor- by Allowing War Profiteering"
"Biden Goes to Korea and Immediately Makes a Fool of Himself"
"Biden HQ Accidentally Campaigns for Donald Trump"
"Biden Hasn't Taken a Cognitive Test, Gets Defensive When Queried, Invokes Cocaine"
"Biden Literally Considering a Pro-Castro Cult Supporter for Running Mate"
"Biden Mobilizes the Coast Guard lol"
"Biden Pivots Again, Now Blames Gas Stations for Gas Prices"
"Biden Shortages Continue, Despite Shills Claiming Otherwise"
"Biden Sounds a Lot Like Chinese State Propaganda Regarding US Gun Owners"
"Biden Steals Trumps Idea and Weakens It, Slaps Useless Tariff on Chinese EVs and Lithium"
"Biden Still Leads the Democrats: And That is Surreal"
"Biden Thinks School Board Protesters are Terrorists LOL"
"Biden is Easily the Quickest Failure of Any Modern US President"
"Biden is a STAGGERING Failure, But Clinton 2024? Don't Bet on It"
"Biden to Visit the Border on the Same Day as Trump (LOL!)"
"Bidenflation is Really Gonna Make Democrats Pay a Heavy Midterm Toll"
"Bidenomics Has Failed: and the Cope is Incredible"
"Bidens "Coalition of the Willing" Warmongering Re: Ukraine is a Disgrace Filled with Propaganda"
"Bidens Acceptance Speech and the Dem Convention in Focus"
"Bidens Address Regarding the Kabul Airport Attacks was a Farce"
"Bidens Agenda CRIPPLED as Sinema and Manchin Block his Soft Coup Attempt"
"Bidens Approval Craters Again to a Near 15 Point Gap, and It Ain't Done Falling Yet"
"Bidens Approval Has Broken Through its Long Term Floor"
"Bidens Approval and Dems' Congressional Polling Falls Even Further"
"Bidens Border Baloney"
"Bidens Bumbling Border Bantz"
"Bidens Classified Documents Scandal Just EXPLODED In His Face"
"Bidens DEA Continues its War on Medical Marijuana"
"Bidens Digital Campaign so Cringe Even the Atlantic Shakes its Head In Wonder"
"Bidens Disinfo Campaign Hit With FEC Complaint"
"Bidens Dog Commander Finally Removed From the White House After Multiple Attacks"
"Bidens Haphazard, Insane De Niro Pitch Failed Abysmally"
"Bidens Hidden Scandal: DHS Loses Track of Almost 5,000 "Migrant" Children"
"Bidens Hilariously Awkward Zoom Moment With Mike Levin"
"Bidens Iowa Issue"
"Bidens Latest Drone Strike May Have Killed Several Afghan Kids"
"Bidens Lead Over Trump Slips to 4.4 as His Support Craters"
"Bidens Legendary Low Approval Ratings in Focus"
"Bidens New Lunatic Story: Claims His Uncle Eaten by Cannibals in New Guinea"
"Bidens Nonstop Lying is Why Various Groups Stopped Fact Checking His Statements"
"Bidens Obviously Pre-Recorded Rally Call is More Evidence he Had a Stroke"
"Bidens Policies on Gaza and Israel Are Failing Fast"
"Bidens Proposed Fiscal Plan Would Cost Me Many Thousands of Dollars a Year"
"Bidens Shovel Ready 2.0 "Infrastructure" Set to Pass, Causing Inflation and Crypto Nationalization"
"Bidens Useless and Entirely Symbolic Ban on Xinjiang Forced Labor Exports"
"Bidens Way Out And Why He Won't Take It"
"Bidens Weaponization of the IRS Begins"
"Bidens' Lead has Almost Entirely Evaporated, Trump Approval Spikes"
"Bidens' Paradoxically Lower Polling on Issues vs General Approval Polls Explained"
"Big Tech and the Legacy Media Intend to Destroy Democracy in the Name of Defending Democracy"
"Bill Clintons' Creepily Communistic Earth Day Message"
"Bill Cosby Conviction Overturned, Now He's Free: My Thoughts"
"Boomer Take! ADL Tries, Fails, To Explain Red Pill, etc"
"Border Bill Overwhelmingly Clears Senate Appropriations"
"Border Czar Harris' Hilarious Honeymoon Debacle"
"Boston Votes to Make Its Students Dumber to Appease The Woke"
"Breaking Major News! Biden to Get a Cat, and Pet Psychic Says his Dogs are Happy"
"British Film Institute Wants Visibly Scarred Villains Removed From Movies"
"Britney Spears' Conservatorship is a Massive Human Rights Abuse"
"Brits! Stand With Boris Johnson for His Proposal to Abolish the BBC License Fee"
"Bumblebee Time"
"Bump Stocks are Back!"
"Buttigieg Doesn't Care that Trump Isn't Homophobic, Attacks Him Regardless"
"Buttigieg Says We May Have Had a Gay President Before: He Isn't Wrong"
"Buttigieg and the Biden Admins "Electric" Vehicle Insanity"
"Buzzfeed Attacks Trump for Celebrating Pride Month"
"CA25 Will Probably Flip Republican as GOP Turnout Soars: A 2020 Precursor?"
"CARALAGO! The Uniparty is Indeed Trying to Oust Biden"
"CBS Tells its Staff to Not Acknowledge that Jerusalem is in Israel"
"CHAZ Leftists Prepare to Blame "Nazis" For When They Fail"
"CLANKING on Pixelplanet: A New Front Opens!"
"CLOWN WORLD! Black Hebrews vs Hamas Supporters in Chicago"
"CNN "Totally Didn't Lay Off" A Hundred People"
"CNN Claims Kamala Isn't Insane, Tries to Speak For All "Mentally Ill" People"
"CNN Clearly Rehired Brian Stelter Due to Desperation"
"CNN Compares Joe Rogan to January 6th: They're Right for the Wrong Reasons!"
"CNN Investigates Why Democrats are Nervous, Ignores Real Reasons"
"CNN Now Openly Musing About Which Democrats Could Replace Biden on a 2024 Ticket"
"CNN Poll Indicates A Third of Democrats Want Joe Biden to be Their Standard Bearer"
"CNN Poll Suggests Trump is Ahead in the Battleground States and Among Independents"
"CNN Tries to Astroturf Biden January 6th Quote, Gushes as Biden Ignores the Economy and Border"
"CNNs Legendary Cope After Trump DESTROYS Them In Their Own "Town Hall""
"California Can't Even Retain the Marijuana Industry... HAHAHA!"
"Californians Ignore their Moron Governors' Fireworks Ban (This is Symbolically Significant)"
"Can Taylor Swift Save Bidens Presidential Ambitions? (Protip; lol no)"
"Canadian Election Fallout: Trudeau Stays, But His Majority Goes"
"Cancel Culture Comes For... Billie Eilish?"
"Caroline Kennedy is a Total Backstabber"
"Celebrities Whine About AI Despite General Ignorance About It"
"Celebrity Endorsements Mean Literally Nothing: Here's Why"
"Chelsea Clinton Considers Entering Politics... But Only A Little"
"Chelsea Clinton Gets Attacked by SJWs For Her Ilhan Omar Comments as the Left Implodes"
"Chelsea Handlers Hilarious Fifty Cent Plantation Moment"
"Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Rants About Disallowing Federal Police to Enter Crime-Plagued City"
"Chinas Taishan Nuclear Plant is at Peril, French Partners Determine"
"Chris Sununus Midlife Crisis Mustang Moment"
"Chris Wallace to Host First Trump-Biden Debate... LOL"
"Christian Visibility Day!"
"Clinton Begs People to Vote, Continues Campaigning for the Dems"
"Clinton Insinuates She Ran a Good Campaign in 2016 HAHAHA"
"Clinton Says she Loves the 2020 Dem Field, HAHAHA"
"Clinton Tells Australians that Americans Harbor Rage Towards Strong Empowered Womyn"
"Coca Cola and the Woke War on Whiteness"
"Colorado Ignores Bruen, Moves to Ban All Semiauto Weapons"
"Commie Harris' Continuing Economic Woes"
"Communists Attack Statues of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt in Portland"
"Competing Conventions"
"Confused Democrat Richard Spencer Applauds Biden for Screwing Up in Afghanistan"
"Core Inflation Rises Further: BIDENOMICS!"
"Corporate Wokeness is a Ruse and Low-info Peons Believe it"
"Corporations Are Right to Exploit Idiots with Wokeness Campaigns"
"Cory Bookers Veganism: What He Gets Right and Wrong"
"Could Mail-In Vote Rigging Allow Biden to Win 2024?"
"Crazy Socialist Andy Yang Begs for 3 Million Dollars"
"Cringe Alert! Kamala Harris is Insufferably Unfunny and Scripted"
"Cringe Fringe CHAZ (Soyviet Union) Begins to Collapse Due to Violence and Degeneracy"
"DAMAGE CONTROL! Chinese Spy Balloon Propaganda!"
"DOGE Is the Greatest Trump Trap Ever Laid"
"De-Extinction and the Dodo"
"DeSantis Fails Big Time with a DeSaster of a Campaign Launch on Twitter"
"Dear Liberals: It's OK to Admit You Were Wrong and Got Conned by Biden and the Media"
"Defining Wokeness is Easy!"
"Deleting Facebook Forever!"
"Demented Biden Sums Up America... "Asfutmsifwffutsh""
"Demented, Visibly Tired Biden Wanders, Confused, on His Way into the White House"
"Democrat Katie Hill Resigns After Having Weed-Fueled Three Ways"
"Democrat Poll Analysis: Biden At 30, Sanders Stalled, Klobuchar and Yang Incline"
"Democrats Are Getting Dragged by Leftists for Over-Promising and Under-Delivering"
"Democrats Fixate On Impeachment Out of Fear None of their Candidates Can Win"
"Democrats are so Nervous They're Trotting Out Obama lol"
"Dems Censure Sinema, Showing They Have Learned Nothing and Don't Understand What Senators Do"
"Deplatform MSNBC: Anchor Calls the Lakers A Bad Word When Kobe Dies"
"Desantis Fans LIVID as Kristi Noem Endorses Donald Trump"
"Desperate Biden Drafts Obama for a Healthcare Pivot"
"Dianne Feinstein Joins the Hypocritical "Believe All Women Except Tara Reade" Club"
"Did the Biden White House Scuttle Comers Ethics Bill?"
"Diminutive Punk Geraldo Rivera Cowers and Runs From Me on Twitter"
"Dirty Old Man Joe Biden Sniffs Again!"
"Do NOT Eat Lab Grown Meat"
"Do You Smell What the Rock is Cooking? (It's Biden Buyers Remorse)"
"Does Kamala Hate America? Yes And No"
"Don't Forgive Kamala Harris for Lying to the Public for Years"
"Don't Get Blackpilled: Trump Has the Advantage"
"Don't be Fooled: "Equity" is Just More Newspeak for Critical Race Theory"
"Donald Trump Appears to Confirm My Suspicions About Ramaswamy and Christie"
"Donald Trump Clearly Plans to Run Again in 2024"
"Donald Trump Has Effectively Won the GOP Nomination"
"Donald Trump Is Now Well Above 60 in Polling for the GOP Primary"
"Donald Trump Joins Rumble, Immediately Eclipses Bidens Presence Cross-Platform"
"Donald Trump Just Nuked Biden From Orbit"
"Donald Trump Nukes Merchan From Orbit: "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death""
"Donald Trump Will Almost Surely be the Republican Nominee in 2024 if he Runs: Here's Why"
"Donald Trump Will Probably Run Again in 2024: But Can He Win? Analysis"
"Donald Trump is Absolutely Crushing it in Both the Primary and General Matchup"
"Donald Trump is Burning His Competition Like a Razorfist Steak"
"Donald Trump is Correct: The 25th Amendment Should be Modified to Remove VPs"
"Donald Trump is Likely to Crush Biden in the Election"
"Donald Trump is the Greatest Strategist Of Modern Times"
"Donald Trump: The Choice of the Youth"
"Donald Trumps Epic Comeback"
"Donald Trumps' Truth Social Will Sadly Use AI Moderation: Analysis"
"Draft Decision Seems to Indicate SCOTUS Will Overturn Roe v. Wade: Analysis"
"Dreg Media USA Today Claims Eagle is a Nazi Symbol, Gets Massively Ratio'd"
"Drill Baby Drill! Antarctica is Full of Oil, Russia Discovers"
"Dumbass Baltimore School Equates BB Gun Ownership with "Bringing a Gun to School""
"Dutch Election Results! PVV Wins Big"
"Dutch Farmer Uprising Escalates as Farmers Buy a Tank and Cops Shoot at Protestors"
"Efforts to Keep Trump off the 2020 Ballot Will Fail"
"Electric Vehicles are a Scam"
"Elizabeth Warren Gets Rebuked by the Cherokee Nation ft. Insane Recipes"
"Elizabeth Warren is Fundamentally Unelectable"
"Ellen Degenerate In Hot Water Over Dozens of Employee Complaints"
"Elon Musk Did It!"
"Elon Musk Exposed the Hypocrisy of the Leftoids and Liberals on Free Speech and Big Tech"
"Elon Musk Finally Holds the Legacy Media Accountable"
"Elon Musk Hires Linda Yaccarino as Twitter CEO: Some (Intelligent) Analysis"
"Elon Musk Smacks Down Borderless Biden With a Simplistic Proposal"
"Elon Musk Trolls AOC Over Her Tut-Tutting About His Ego"
"Elon Musk to Reinstate Donald Trump to Twitter Once he Finalizes Buying It (Good!)"
"Enormous Cope from FEMA Over Its Stupid Response to Helene"
"Epstein Deutsche Bank Judge Has Family Shot, Supposedly by MGTOW Nut"
"Equity Means Dumbing Everyone Down to the Lowest Common Denominator"
"Eric Adams Goes All In on the Border Crisis, Blindsides Biden"
"Even Considering Voting Democrat in the US Election is Insane"
"Even Democrats Are Lambasting Beijing Bidens Unilateral Syria Air Strikes"
"Even Far Left Dianne Feinstein Opposes Eliminating the Senate Filibuster"
"Even Legacy Media is Beginning to Notice that Kamala Harris is Hiding"
"Even Nate Silver Has Abandoned Joe Biden"
"Even Obamas Doctor Says Biden Has Mental Issues"
"Even Obvious Push Polls Can't Hide Bidens Approval Slump"
"Even Slate is Skeptical of Joe Bidens' Diversity Hire SCOTUS Move... AHAHAHA!"
"Even the Lamestream Media Admits: Trump is Manhandling Biden in the First Digital Election"
"Even the NYT Warns Democrats are Beginning to Alienate Independent Voters"
"Everyone Hates Biden For Putting US Troops on the Mexican Border"
"Everyone should Abandon the Minneapolis-St Paul Area and Let it Rot"
"Extreme January Jobs Report Propaganda"
"Fact Check: No, Violence at Far Left Riots is Not Being Committed by Nazis"
"Far Left Attempts to Expand the Supreme Court Will (And Must!) Fail"
"Far Left Has-been Tom Arnold Glorifies Violence, is Not Censored by Twitter"
"Farrah Cat Snuggles"
"Fascist Bidens Asterisk Administration Openly Coercing Big Tech into Banning Dissidents"
"FedNow: US Government Horns In On Banking Transactions as a Prelude to CBDC"
"Fetterman Blames Faulty Captioning for his Poor Debate Performance"
"Fetterman and Others Dogpile Josh Shapiro and Mark Kelly"
"Fifth Circuit Rejects the Idea of Tech Platforms Having Limitless Censorship Rights"
"Final Iowa Poll: Trump Leads By 28: My Final Prediction"
"Final Presidential Debate Reaction and Analysis (Trump OBLITERATED Biden)"
"Finally the GOP Sees Why the FISA System is a Bad Idea"
"First US Polio Case in a Decade in Rockland County New York"
"Five Strange Facts about Me"
"Florida Passes Anti-Squatting Law"
"Fourth GOP Also-Ran Debate Predictive Analysis"
"Francis Suarez Declares 2024 GOP Bid: Everyone Asks; Who?"
"Frank Biden Thinks Joe Biden Will Run in 2020"
"Fried Chicken and Watermelon!"
"Fuck the Power: I was Expelled from the Fifth Grade!"
"Funny Farm Runaway Joe Biden Reminisces About Segregation Again"
"GOOD HEAVENS LOOK AT THE TIME! Time to Ridicule Bernie Sanders and Socialism Again!"
"GOP Messaging on Abortion in Focus"
"GOP Starts to Clean Out the Cobwebs, Kicks Neocon Warhawk Liz Cheney Aside"
"GSticks 3d Printed "Won't Back Down" Figurines: MAY THE BEST BID WIN!"
"Gadsden Flag is a "Dangerous" Hate Symbol, NPR Claims"
"Gal Lufts Biden Crime Allegations in Focus"
"Gambia Might Re-legalize Female Genital Mutilation"
"Gaza "Activist" Complains About US Mre Drops (Yes I am Angry)"
"George Floyd Has Been All but Forgotten Already"
"Georgia Guidestones Damaged Then Demolished... LOL"
"Get In Clanker: We're Making America Great Again"
"Give Me Salt!"
"Globalist Zelensky Vows to Go In Dry After Political Disaster"
"Gloria Romero Defects to the GOP"
"Goat Showdown at the Kinderboerderij"
"Goofy Hillary Clinton Wants you to Stop Caring if Female Candidates are Likable"
"Goofy Wapo Editor Claims the AR-15 was Invented by Nazis in Lie by Structure Post"
"Google Targets As the Billionaires' Fascist Moves Continue"
"Government Needs to Pay its Fair Share and Make Due With Less"
"Governor of Oregon Pretends Portland Riots were Peaceful, Says People Terrorized by Feds"
"Grassroots Americans are Doing to Biden what the Swamp Did to Trump"
"Greg Abbott Trolls Kamala on Christmas Eve with a Special Gift!"
"Guards for She, Defunding and Disarmament for We: Cori Bushes Insane Grandstanding in Focus"
"HOW HOT IS IT? Antons XX Ghost Pepper Wagyu"
"HUGE Loss for the Far Left as DA Chesa Boudin Recalled in San Francisco"
"HUGE NEWS: Barack Obama Basically Tells Joe Biden to Drop Out"
"HYSTERICAL Cope from CNN As They Fret About Trump- and a New Form of Propaganda!"
"Hahaha I'm In the Netherlands for the Winter"
"Haiti Devolves into Outright Anarchy as Militias Form"
"Heart Attack Victim Bernie Sanders Won't Release Any More Medical Records"
"Heinous Gasbag Eric Swalwells Ass Explodes During Live Interview"
"Hey Leftoids! Bidens Education Dept Blocks GOP-Sponsored Bankruptcy Relief For Student Loan Debt"
"Hidin' Harris"
"Hidin' Harris Won't Even Talk to the Legacy Media"
"Highest GOP Polling for Generic Congressional Vote In 40 Years, ABC Says"
"Highly Concerning: Drone Uptick Around Trumps Maralago"
"Hillary Clinton Did Not Actually Rule Out an Ill-Fated 2024 Run: Analysis"
"Hillary Clinton Encourages Political Incivility as Holder Alludes to Violence"
"Hillary Clinton Goes Insane, Insinuates that Trump Intends to Cancel the Election"
"Hillary Clinton Goes Insane, Says Trump is a White Nationalist, Compares 2016 to 9-11"
"Hillary Clinton Rants about Trump "Not Respecting Election Results" in 2020"
"Hillary Clinton Right for the Wrong Reasons on Some Male Dem Candidates"
"Hillary Clinton Says Assange Must "Answer For What He's Done""
"Hillary Clinton Strongly Hints at a "Possible" 2020 Run"
"Hillary Clinton Supposedly Was Happy when Trump Fired Comey"
"Hillary Clintons Barbie Bullshit"
"Hillary'd! The Epstein "Suicide" is a Massive Political Scandal"
"Holy Hell I Wish Trump Were President Right Now"
"Homelessness Skyrockets, Libs Blame Trump Somehow"
"Honk Honk! 4chan's /pol/ Trolls Canadas Parliament ft. Ya'ara Saks"
"How Biden Lost Afghanistan: Taliban Takes Kandahar, US Troops Evacuate Embassy"
"How Dare Trump Call for Accountability!"
"How Dare Trump Talk About His Assassination Attempts!"
"How Dare We Call Socialism Socialism! Leftoids Shriek Conspiracy Theory at Reality"
"How to Prepare for a Potential Biden Dark Winter (And a Bleak Four Years)"
"How to Reform and Repair the Democratic Party"
"How to SCHOOL The Antigunners on "Well Regulated""
"How to Stop the Monkeypox Outbreak!"
"Hunger in the Developed World? Here's How to End It"
"Hungry Man John Kasich, Ultimate Neocon, to Endorse Biden at Convention"
"Hysterical TDS and Spin as Black Voters Abandon the Democrats"
"I Agree Fully: Cancel the New York Times Forever #CancelNYT"
"I Always Thought "Life Begins at Thirty" was Bullshit But It's Kinda True"
"I Am Happy That HW Bush Has Died, He Was a Worthless Warmongering Neocon"
"I Don't See People Applauding Trump for his Masterful Maneuver With Iran"
"I Hope Clinton Runs Again in 2020"
"I Need Military Rations!"
"I Oppose Raising the Smoking Age to 21: Unconstitutional and Meaningless"
"I Think Trump is Playing 4d Chess with the Ukraine "Scandal""
"I Won't Kneel An Inch Before Anyone"
"I am Back on Facebook to Fight Censorship"
"I am now on Gettr"
"I'll Vote Trump in the Election: Here's Why You Should Too"
"I'm A Proud College Dropout"
"I'm Back..."
"I'm In New Orleans! (And It's Pretty Great)"
"IDIOT NEOCON ALERT! Rick Scott Attacks Rumble"
"Ideas for Stocking Up for the Likely Dark Winter"
"If Britney Spears Doesn't Win Her Case It'll be a Sad Day for Liberty"
"If Climate Change Were REALLY a Threat..."
"If Rasmussen Is Right About Black Voters, Trump Has Already Won 2020"
"If Schools go Remote, We Should Reduce Teachers' Salaries and School Budgets"
"If You Have a Problem With Me, Contact Me, Not My Wife"
"If the Democrats Had Any Dignity They'd Rebuke the Rioters"
"Ignore the Polls LOL"
"Ilhan Omar Claims Death Threats Increase After Trump 9-11 Tweet"
"Ilhan Omar Compares the USA to the Taliban, then Calls People Who Ridicule her "Islamophobic""
"Ilhan Omar Dumps Her Husband After Having an Affair: But It Doesn't Matter Much"
"Ilhan Omar and Tim Mynett Appear to Have Intermixed with Antifa at a DC Rally"
"Ilhan Omar is a Disgrace for Cheering On Disorder and Riots"
"Impeach Joe Biden Already!"
"In Censuring Cheney and Kinzinger, the RNC Finds its Balls... Will it Keep Them?"
"In Defense of Generation Z"
"In Love (Vocals/Lyrics Tarl Warwick, Music Seawise Romeo)"
"Inbred British Royals Want to Get Woke, Consider Wokeness Czar"
"Incoming Recession and Denialist Propaganda from the White House"
"Inflation Hits 32 Year High, Dems Coin Astroturfed Meme "Biden Boom""
"Inflation is Skyrocketing: Welcome to the Biden Economy!"
"Insane Nikki Haley Digs Herself Deeper With Her Civil War Follow-Up"
"Inside Info: Shortages are Worsening, and Will Worsen More (Stock Up NOW!)"
"Iran Attacks US Bases: War Hawks Cheer/ Trump to Make Statement"
"Irony: Cringe Fringe Leftists Try to Cancel the Term "Cancel Culture""
"Is Donald Trump Unstoppable?"
"Is Jill Biden Tossing Kamala Under the Bus Using the Border Crisis?"
"Is MAGA an Extremist Movement? Fact Checking Joe Biden and Others"
"Is More Government Helpful? Responding to Hannah Reloaded"
"Is the Senate Insane Enough to Convict Trump of Fomenting Insurrection?"
"Israel Begins A Ground Assault in Gaza"
"Israel Lays Siege to Gaza City as Hamas Attacks Continue"
"It Begins: The Trial That Will Test Our Republic"
"It Really is Donald Trump 2024 or Nothing"
"It is Amusing to see Democrats Try to Tokenize Winsome Sears"
"It's (Literally) Joever And I Was Right About the Clinton-Obama Palace Intrigue"
"It's Funny Watching the Propagandists Try to Scare Trump Supporters"
"It's Joever"
"JD Vance Isn't Wrong About Childless Cat Ladies"
"JD Vance Rising"
"JK Rowling Gets Called a Bigot and TERF by the Twitter Mafia"
"Jacob Blake Physically Attacked Officers Before they Shot Him (News You Won't See on the News!)"
"Jared Holt Attacks me and Ramzpaul: But He's Actually Engaging in Capitalism; Here's How"
"Javier Milei Wins the Argentine Election: We're So Back"
"Javier Mileis Argentina Abandons BRICS Membership Pitch"
"Jean Shaheens Epic Misquote on Twitter and Subsequent Coverup Attempt"
"Jeff Flake Begs You to Remember He Was Once Relevant, Attacks Trump Again"
"Jen Psaki Explicitly Admits Bidens' Staff Hide Him From the Press and Public"
"Jerry Falwell Jr Has a Big Sin Problem HAHAHA"
"Jesse Lee Peterson Manosphere Hit Piece Analyzed!"
"Jobs, Wages Shatter Expectations as Stocks Rise and Labor Force Participation Ticks Up"
"Joe Biden Devolves into LEGENDARY Loser Status, Upstaged by Obama and Even Kamala"
"Joe Biden Forgets Where He Is Again Due to His Alzheimers Disease"
"Joe Biden Has Entirely Failed at his Self-Professed Central Goal... Unity"
"Joe Biden Has Lost Adam Schiff: That's Pretty Drastic"
"Joe Biden Insinuates Black People Are All Identical... No This Isn't a Joke"
"Joe Biden Is Insane and Democrats Are Pretending He Doesn't Even Exist"
"Joe Biden Met with Hunter Colleague at the White House, Wikipedia Deletes Rosemont Seneca Page"
"Joe Biden Picks Gross Police State Shill Kamala Harris as Running Mate, Surprising Nobody"
"Joe Biden Releases Utterly Insane Student Loan Debt "Forgiveness" Plan"
"Joe Biden Wages a War on Charter Schools"
"Joe Biden Wants to Destroy the Suburbs for Electoral Purposes"
"Joe Biden Will Debate Donald Trump... Maybe Kinda Sorta"
"Joe Biden Wins All March 17th Primary States, HUMILIATES Snake Oil Sanders"
"Joe Biden is Going Mad in Real Time"
"Joe Biden is Literally Demented and is Losing His Marbles Each and Every Day"
"Joe Biden is Massively Ahead of Snake Oil Sanders in All Four March 17th Primary States"
"Joe Biden is Melting Down and Losing His Marbles"
"Joe Biden is Now Officially the Worst US President"
"Joe Biden is a Confused, Demented Liar, Robert Hur Testifies"
"Joe Biden, Miserable Deadbeat Grandpa"
"Joe Bidens Creepy Nurse Story is TOTALLY INSANE"
"Joe Bidens Insane New Warning About Trump"
"Joe Bidens LITERALLY Demented Non-Answer on Putin ft. Trump Derangement Syndrome Flashcards"
"Joe Bidens Poor Memory Extravaganza"
"Joe Bidens Remaining Sanity Dwindles to Zero, Declares Trump "The First Racist President""
"Joe Manchin Blocks Another Attempt at Pork-Barrel "Environmental" Spending"
"Joe Manchin Blocks Democrats' Anti-Fair Elections Bill"
"Joe Manchin, Jim Justice, and Uniparty Shenanigans!"
"Joe Rogan Just Smoked CNN Like a Reefer"
"John Fetterman is Clearly Not Well"
"John Kerry Says Trump Should Resign, Hahaha!"
"John Kerry Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: They Hate Free Speech"
"John Kerry is the Very Essence of NIMBY Hypocrisy"
"Josh Hawley FISTS Nancy Pelosi Sideways With the Pelosi Act!"
"Julian Castro Announces 2020 Election Bid (Don't Underestimate Him)"
"Julian Castro Endorses Fellow Con Artist Elizabeth Warren- His Two Fans Rejoice"
"Julie Inman-Grant and the Australian Push to Destroy the Internet"
"July is MAGA Month!"
"Just Impeach Joe Biden Already, GOP Cucks"
"Justice Ginsburg Should Resign Immediately"
"Justice for Jake Gardner"
"Justice for the Victims of Looters and Communists"
"Justin Trudeaus Amusing Plane Failure is a Microcosm of His Government"
"Kabul Falls to the Taliban as Biden Hides from the Public in Disgrace"
"Kamala Harris Astroturfed as "Exciting" LOL"
"Kamala Harris Attempts to Buy Doritos and Fails"
"Kamala Harris Cannot be Allowed to Parse Herself From the Biden Administration"
"Kamala Harris Chickens Out"
"Kamala Harris Continues to Get Crushed by Gold Star Families"
"Kamala Harris Does Not Want to Debate Donald Trump"
"Kamala Harris Endorsed by Neocons!"
"Kamala Harris Forced to Certify Her Own Monumental Loss to Trump"
"Kamala Harris Gets Utterly DESTROYED by The Thirteen Families"
"Kamala Harris Gets Wasted and Becomes Even More Incoherent"
"Kamala Harris Just Threw Biden Under the Bus Again"
"Kamala Harris Named AI Czar... LOL We're Screwed Aren't We?"
"Kamala Harris Relapses Into Bracelet Jingling HR Spokeswoman Mode with Charlemagne Tha God"
"Kamala Harris Seems to Have Chosen A Running Mate"
"Kamala Harris Thinks "Rural" Americans Don't Have Smartphones and Scanners and Stuff"
"Kamala Harris Will Be President if Trump Doesn't Win"
"Kamala Harris is Getting Utterly Dragged for her Economic Proposals"
"Kamala Harris is a Psychopath and We Must Stop Her From Being Elected"
"Kamala Harris is an Extremist"
"Kamala Harris the Braindead Girlboss"
"Kamala the COWARD"
"Kamalas Bizarre Bret Baier Interview and Political Fallout"
"Kamalas Husband Cheated on his First Wife... Who Cares?"
"Karine Jean Pierre Ragequits Over Biden Dementia Questions"
"Kenosha Riots Turn Deadly as Shootouts Erupt"
"Kick Liz Cheney Out of the GOP or We'll Kick the GOP Out of Congress"
"Kid-Sniffer Memes Begin to Cripple Joe Bidens Mind: What This Means"
"Kids are Skipping School... What Else is New?"
"Kim Jong Un Keeps Promise, Returns Dozens of US POW Remains (Major Victory for Trump)"
"Klaus Schwab Calls it Quits and Leaves the WEF"
"Kristi Noem Doesn't Know When to Shut Up"
"Kyle Rittenhouse Acted in Self Defense- it's Time Americans Speak Out About Leftoid Violence"
"LUNATIC Biden Pounded by Legacy Media Allies Over His Regime Change Rant"
"Lamestream Media Labels Questions about Clintons Health "Conspiracy Theories""
"Late Stage Leftism: Extremist Furthest-Left Supports Censoring New Michael Moore Documentary"
"Laughing at Everyone Who Actually Voted for Beijing Biden (His Failed Second Day)"
"Learning How to Cook is Cool"
"Left Wing Thugs Shoot, Kill 8 Year Old in Atlanta: Mayor Finally Has Enough"
"Leftists Are Still LARPing as A Rebel Alliance Against Trump"
"Leftists Congratulate Themselves About Tulsa Despite Losing Badly (Cringe of the Day!)"
"Leftists Continue Impotently Sputtering About Twitter and Tucker Carlson"
"Leftists Gaslight Cancel Culture Even as Leftists Attack George Orwell"
"Leftists Make it Clear Their "Defund the Police" Stance is Just a Shakedown for Cash"
"Leftists Tried to SWAT My Home and Failed Like the Scum They Are"
"Legacy Media Finally Admits Hunter Bidens Laptop Contents are Legit"
"Legacy Media Having a Nervous Breakdown Thinking of a Second Trump Term... Let's Go Brandon!"
"Legacy Media Incessantly Tries to Sell Bidens Fascist Propaganda"
"Legacy Media MSNBC Lies About Lying About Trumps Bloodbath Comment"
"Legacy Media Melting Down Over Youngkin Possibly Becoming Virginia Governor"
"Legacy Media Tries to Astroturf Desantis as "Dangerous" and "Edgy""
"Legacy Media and Virginia Democrats' Low-Effort Attack on Glenn Youngkin Backfires Badly"
"Legacy Media is Freaking Out About the Newsom Recall Vote (Register, Californians!)"
"Legacy Media to Try and Declare Criticism of Fake News to be a "War on the 'Press' ""
"Legalize It! Trump Is In Favor of Legalizing Marijuana"
"Leonel Moreno Fucked Around and Found Out lol"
"Let's Go Brandon Rally to be Held in Brandon Vermont Nov. 13th"
"Let's Go Brandon! Joe Bidens' PATHETIC State of the Union Delay Hail Mary"
"Let's Talk About Food Snobbery!"
"Liberals Are Obsessed With Forcing Sonia Sotomayor Out: Here's Why"
"Liberals Keep Warning Biden to Cut Out the Leftist Pandering"
"Liberals Officially Lose Their Minds and Applaud Dick Cheney for being "Disappointed" in the GOP"
"Libertarian Party Abandons Actual Liberty In Favor of Courting Disaffected Leftist Voters"
"Likely Illegal Guatemalan Burns a Woman Alive On the NYC Subway"
"Literal Nutjob Biden Claims Americans Feel "Financially Comfortable""
"Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Geraldo Rivera, and the Legacy Republicans Perpetual Apology Tour"
"Lunatic Virginia Democrat Mark Warner Wants More Online Censorship"
"Lyin' Biden Fearmongers Some More as Latinos Abandon the Democratic Party"
"MAGA 2.0: Trump Remains Well Ahead in the GOP Nomination Battle"
"MAGA Rising: The Indictment and Trumps HIGH ENERGY Response"
"MAKE AMERICA BROKE AGAIN! High Gas Prices Are Patriotic so Just Deal With it, Biden Says"
"MSNBC Goes Full Crackerjack With TDS, Labels MAGA "Confederates""
"MSNBC's Laughable and Hypocritical Concern Trolling Over Elon Musk Buying Twitter"
"Machine Guns Are Legal, Federal Judge Rules in Kansas"
"Macron Considers Martial Law, French Police Lose Control of Fuel Riots"
"Maine Joins Colorado In Trying to Interfere with the 2024 Election"
"Malaria Returns to the United States"
"Manchins Strategic Genius and How the Economy will Suffer for it"
"Manly Cervixes! The Left Wing Campaign to Erase Women Continues"
"Mar-a-lago Raid Affidavit is Released as Another Massively Redacted Hit Job"
"Marianne Williamson, Crystal Grandma, Actually Polls in the Double Digits"
"Marthas Vineyard NIMBY Liberals Get Some Diversity Courtesy of Ron Desantis"
"Matt Drudge is Right about FOX Being a Moronic Sham Company"
"Mayorkas is Absolutely Lying About his Ministry of Truth Monitoring Americans"
"Meanwhile in Australia: Bull Semen Facility Catches Fire, Firefighters "Dodge Projectiles""
"Meatflation! The Democrats' New, Absolutely Insane Defense of Bidenomics"
"Merrick Garland Sounded Desperate at his Banana Republic Break-in Speech"
"Merry Christmas Eve!"
"Merry Christmas and a Happy Yule to You All!"
"Merry Leftover Day! Yum!"
"Michigan and Pennsylvania Polls: Doom for the Democrats?"
"Microsoft to Nerf its Word Processor with Wokeness (Use Openoffice)"
"Midterm Results Day Three: Epic Cope, ft. GOP "Leaders" Centrally to Blame"
"Midterm Results Day Two: Various Takeaways"
"Midterm Roundup ft. Poll Analysis (Beto, Warnock, Abrams)"
"Mike Pence Joins the Classified Documents Party"
"Mike Pence is George W Bushes More Stupid Cousin"
"Mike Pence vs Kamala Harris VP Debate Analysis"
"Mike Pompeo and the CIA Considered Assassinating Julian Assange"
"Minneapolis Overrun with Crime: Prepare to be Robbed!"
"Mitch McConnell Has Another Turtle Moment"
"Mitt Romney is Finally Retiring!"
"Molyneux, Newproject2, Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer "Coincidentally" Deplatformed in one Day"
"Monthly Luchtalarm in Diemen Zuid"
"Morality Police! Congressman Jim Banks Wants to Ban Porn on the Internet"
"More People Beg Biden Not to Debate Trump"
"More People Recognize Sanders than Biden... And Reject His Message"
"More Shoutouts and Audience Merch! Food, Knives, Books, and Much More!"
"Most Democrats Will Inevitably Blame Biden for their Midterm Loss"
"Multiple Terrorist Attacks at Kabul Airport: Joe Bidens Failure is Complete"
"Must Do, Should Do, Want to Do: My Philosophy"
"My Final Answer on Drag Shows"
"My Thoughts on Being "Trad": Am I Trad? LET'S FIND OUT!"
"My Vintage Cologne Collection!"
"NBC News Shamelessly "Debunks" Astroturfed Hunter Biden Story Unrelated to Ukraine, etc"
"NC Governor Roy Cooper Should be Impeached For His State of Emergency Misuse"
"NPR Begins to Collapse, Punishes Dissident Uri Berliner"
"NYT Hit Piece Inbound! Duckduckgo, Russia, and Stuart Thompson"
"Nancy Mace Vows to Protect Women, Gets Called a Far Right Fascist"
"Nancy Pelosi Admits to a Coup Against Biden"
"Nancy Pelosi Is Clearly Developing Dementia"
"Nancy Pelosi Says "Think of the Children" Proving She Has Ill Intent"
"Nancy Pelosi Whines When Commanded to Vacate the Speakers Office"
"Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, and the Politics of Geriatrics"
"Nancy Pelosis Husband Drives Drunk and Gets Arrested HAHAHA"
"Nanoplastics: Why We Need to Ban Plastic Bottles (And Much More)"
"Neocon Kevin McCarthys Lose-Lose Situation"
"Netherlands "Snowstorm" and my Barefoot Winter Adventures"
"Never Forget How Dangerous and Unhinged Kamala Harris Is"
"Never Let Them Forget the Hunter Biden Laptop is Real"
"New Hampshire: Get Out and Vote Trump!"
"New Orleans Assistant DA Ian Kersting Kills Himself (Chaos Magic Rant)"
"New Orleans Hit by Apparent Terrorist Attack"
"Niger Expels the United States"
"Nikki Haley Just Crippled Her Own Campaign LOL"
"Nikki Haley Resigns as UN Ambassador"
"Nikki Haley is Flat Out Delusional"
"Nikki Haley is Obsessed with "Fellas"... A Little Too Much"
"Nikki Haleys Infidelities Aren't Really Meaningful: Her Warmongering Is"
"No Barron Trump at the Republican Convention, Sadly"
"No End in Sight for the War in Gaza"
"No, Joy Behar, Trump Will Not Take You Off Air; Quite the Opposite!"
"No, Obama, the Internet is Not a Threat to "Democracy""
"No, it Isn't Libertarian to Side with Rioting Communists"
"No, the United States Won't Balkanize lol"
"North Korea to Dismantle Several Sites, Will File with South Korea to Host 2032 Olympics"
"Nuke Gaza? Netanyahu Sacks Amihai Eliyahu For Making the Suggestion"
"Obama Finally Endorses Joe Biden, After Virtually Every Other Democrat"
"Obviously Senile Biden Trips Multiple Times Getting Aboard Air Force One"
"Ohio Finally Gets Legal Marijuana"
"Oklahoma Moves to Protect Motorists Attacked by Rioters"
"Omarosa Declares that Trump Wants a Race War: She May Be Working For Trump Still"
"Omarosa Repeats Likely False Claim from Tom Arnold About More Trump Tapes"
"On Cucker Carlson and Other Establishment Hacks "Demanding" Evidence Prior to Litigation"
"On New Miami Ohio Mayor Jewel Hensley"
"On Taylor Swift Politics"
"On the Abraham Lincoln Mythology and the Cringe Fringe History Haters"
"On the Upcoming Total Eclipse"
"One Snap Poll Shows Major US Support for Quelling Riots with the National Guard"
"Oopsie! Some Americans are Indeed Stranded in Afghanistan"
"Osama Bin Laden Also Apparently Considered Joe Biden Utterly Incompetent"
"Our Coming Constitutional Crisis (Regardless of Who is Declared Victor in the US Election)"
"Our Daughter Has Arrived!"
"PETA is Concerned About Nazi Milk"
"Panasonic Now Selling Reality-Reducing Head Sets (Human Horse Blinders)"
"Pathetic Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Makes a Total Fool of Himself"
"Peaceful Antifa Non-Members Hurl Explosive at Portland Courthouse"
"Pelosi Spins Conspiracy Theories, Says Ukraine Testimony Shows Bribery"
"Pelosi Still Ranting About "Possibly" Impeaching Trump"
"Philosophy Time! Aliens and Dichotomy"
"Piers Morgan Whines Like a Baby as Trump Unfollows Him on Twitter"
"Pixelplanet Spawn Empire Redux"
"Poor Ben Shapiro Getting Groyp'd by Nick Fuentes"
"Prayer in Schools Upheld by SCOTUS: My Thoughts"
"President Trump Set to Return to Twitter and Facebook"
"Presidential Debate Fallout and Analysis"
"Project FEAR: The Myth of Trumps Fascism"
"Project Veritas Reveals ABC News Bias, David Wright Gets Suspended"
"Psychopathic HR Lady Kamala Harris Still Won't Visit the Border She's Tasked With Overseeing"
"RFK Junior Just Nuked the Democrats from Orbit"
"RFK Junior Uses Former Vivek Staffer to Propagandize Against Trump"
"Ranking the Magnitude of Eight of Bidens Major Failures Thus Far!"
"Re: Robby Mook Testimony: Clinton Will Face No Repercussions for the Russia Hoax"
"Real Libertarians Are Taking Over the Libertarian Party"
"Record Number of Illegals Cross the US Border in October"
"Regarding the Presidents Alleged Mushroom Manhood ft. Legacy Media and Stormy Daniels"
"Riots of Peace Hit the Portland 'Burbs"
"Romney Says He May Not Endorse Trump for 2020"
"Ron Desantis Is INSANE; Vetoes Near-Unanimously Supported HB605"
"Ron Desantis Just Went Full Dan Crenshaw With HB269"
"Ron Desantis Preparing a Presidential Run? Some Allies Say Yes"
"Ron Paul Now Too Spicy for Facebook"
"Ron Paul Suffers a TIA or Stroke Live on Liberty Report"
"Ronna McDaniel is Out After Super Tuesday"
"SCOTUS Sells Out on Gun Rights, Proving we Desperately Need to Re-elect Trump"
"SCOTUS Tosses Texas Election Case on Procedural Basis"
"SCOTUS: Where DEI Goes to Die"
"SJW Gestapo Bans Porn on Tumblr (Good Riddance to a Dying Website)"
"SPECTACULAR Fail: Ron Desantis Fires Generra Peck, His Campaign Manager"
"STRANGE Bedfellows! Is the East Palestine Derailment the Biden Admins Katrina Moment?"
"Sad Watching the Left Idolize (and Believe!) Neocon Bolton Re: Impeachment Nonsense"
"Sad, Haggard Jennifer Rubin Says Trump Fans to be Removed from "Polite Society""
"Salon Bizzarely Claims The Left is the "Fun" Side of Politics"
"Sargon of Akkad Returns to Twitter"
"Say Hello to My Little Friend!"
"Scandal of the Century: Clinton Had Lackeys Spy on the White House, Infiltrate Trump Tower Servers"
"Screaming Howard Dean Declares Trump Mentally Ill Without Ever Having Met Him"
"Seattle Cucks to Communism, Pays off Antiwhite Racist Con "Street Czar""
"Seattle Residents Formulate a Recall Petition Against Mayor Durkan"
"Second Presidential Debate Cancelled; Would be Moderator Steve Scully Shows Bias"
"Short Bus Biden Uses the Short Staircase Now, Too"
"Should Democrats Worry About Joe Manchin Mounting a 2024 Bid? Analysis"
"Should We Worry About Luigi Mangione Supporters? Nope!"
"Should the Mentally Ill Own Guns? Answering Tim Pool"
"Signature Bank Fails: And I Sense Shenanigans"
"So Many Biden Fans Think He Legalized Gay Marriage LOL"
"Socialist Grifter Bernie Sanders is Open to a Third Failed Presidential Run"
"Somehow, the Goofy Left Has Construed Trumps Ilhan Omar Tweet as Inciting Violence"
"Sour Grapes! Mike Pence Refuses to Endorse Trump"
"South Koreas Dog Meat Ban Will Backfire"
"South Park Shows Us How to Stand Up Against Censorship... Blizzard Not So Much"
"Stacey Abrams Loses Big Time"
"Stalinization as CBC Removes Trump from Home Alone 2 Cameo"
"Steven Crowder is Absolutely Correct About the Grift-Right"
"Stop Eating Fast Food: Yes, All of It"
"Stop Taxing Social Security, Trump Declares"
"Stop Worrying LOL Our Republic Has Survived Worse than Beijing Biden"
"Stop the Plan Trusting Nonsense: Hunter Biden Ain't Getting Indicted"
"Stopping Critical Race Theory isn't Censorship, it's Upholding Basic Civil Liberty"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update 12/26/2023"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update 6-10-24"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 08/03/2019"
"Sudan: Militants Take Over a Biolab With Live Polio Samples"
"Summing Up Yesterday in Politics: Crazy Nancy, Extremely Stable Genius"
"Surprise! Jacob Blake Had a Knife (Also Semi-retraction!)"
"Sweden Officially Enters NATO as Orban Signs Off"
"Sympathy for the Landlords"
"TDS Suffering Sheila Jackson Lee Gets the Trump Curse and Dies"
"THIS TIMELINE!!! Leftoids Try to Slut-Shame Madison Cawthorn for Drunken Partying"
"TIME Declares Trump Person of the Year, Liberals Have a Breakdown"
"TONIGHT: Live at 7PM With South Carolina Primary Results!"
"TOTAL WAR: Israel Rejects Ceasefire, Invades Gaza"
"Target Literally Has No Clue What It's Doing"
"Team Desantis Self Owns With a MASSIVELY Cringe Political Ad"
"Ten Republican Senators Cuck on Guns... But the Proposal is Also Angering Liberals"
"Texas Dem Walkout Being Praised by Biden Shows Us the Entire Party is Not Taking Things Seriously"
"Texas Leads the Way in Sweeping DEI Aside"
"Texas Tells Biden to Touch Grass And Asserts Control of Shelby Park"
"Texas and its Backers Represent the Legitimate Government, Biden Does Not"
"Thanks to Biden, Afghanistan Is Already Suffering Renewed Terrorist Attacks"
"The "He was Breakin' the Law!" Fallacy of the Rittenhouse Trial"
"The "Joe Didn't Know" Defense Strategy of the Legacy Media Re: Hunters Laptop"
"The "Totally Organic" Twitter Meltdown"
"The "Vote Blue No Matter Who" Crowd Shows the Ideological Weakness of the Democrats"
"The #NoRonna Movement Unites MAGA and the Left"
"The #Trumpknew Woodward Nothingburger"
"The (Mostly Empty) Diamond Run Mall in Rutland Vermont"
"The Al-Aqsa Storm: War Between Israel and Palestine"
"The Astroturfing of Tim Walz as a Man of the People"
"The Baltimore Bridge Collapse is Insane"
"The Beijing Biden Admin is Pivoting Completely Because it Knows it has Failed"
"The Biden Admin Was Directly Involved with the Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid"
"The Biden Border Crisis On Full Display in El Paso"
"The Biden Dropping Out Shuffle Continues"
"The Biden-Trump Enthusiasm Gap Does, Indeed, Matter A Lot"
"The Bitcoin Conundrum: Its Recent Rise, Paypal, Interventionism, etc"
"The Bomb Is Back"
"The Bourbon Street Attack and Unused Vehicle Barriers: A Huge Mess"
"The Childless Cat Lady Evolution"
"The Clintons Apparently Back Biden and That's Important"
"The Coffee Snob Debate"
"The Contrast Between Trumps Dallas Rally and Every Dem Rally and Debate"
"The Corporatist Legacy Media Says Border Control and Nation States are Xenophobic"
"The Cringe Fringe Comes for Teddy Roosevelt, Statue to be Removed in NYC"
"The Cringe Fringe Left Going After Christianity is a Massive Mistake"
"The Cuties Controversy in Focus"
"The DNC Hates Mount Rushmore, Fireworks, and the 4th of July"
"The DNC Is Terrified of Tulsi Gabbard Getting Into the Third Debate: Here's Why"
"The DNC is Going Pretty Much as Expected... HAHAHA"
"The Deep State Fears the Memes"
"The Deep State Just Messed Up Bigly By Trying to Assassinate Trump"
"The Deep State is Awesome, NYT Declares"
"The Dem Field is So Bad Some Actually Want Hillary Clinton 2020"
"The Democratic Party is Effectively Broke, Won't Even Give Severance to Staffers"
"The Democrats Dismissive Attitude Towards Average Americans Will Cost Them Big Time"
"The Democrats Hate the FBI Again: Brett Kavanaugh Derangement Syndrome's Return!"
"The Democrats Have Begun to Melt Down Over War in Gaza"
"The Democrats Have Finally Lost the Hispanic Vote"
"The Democrats Have a House Retirement Problem"
"The Democrats Playbook For '28 is Completely Clear: But Will It Work?"
"The Democrats Will Lose 2020 Bigly If They Don't Reform"
"The Democrats' Big Lie: The Myth of Voter Suppression"
"The Desantis Debate Tapes are an Astroturfed Nothingburger"
"The Difference Between Trump and Harris Couldn't be More Stark"
"The Different Selling Points of Trump and Biden"
"The Distant Glimmer of a Possible Hard Brexit"
"The Drug War is Ending: Good Riddance"
"The East Palestine Derailment Was Far Worse Than Expected"
"The Entirely Coincidental Timing of the Elon Musk Sexual Harassment Story (Elongate!)"
"The Epic Cope of the Democrats"
"The Epstein Unsealing and Resulting Fallout"
"The Executive Branch is Under Attack by a Lawless House of Representatives"
"The FTX Uniparty Slush Fund"
"The Far Left Trashes Biden... and Sets the Stage for the Democrats to Lose 2020"
"The Fetterman-Oz Debate in Focus"
"The First 2024 Dem Primary Poll from New Hampshire is NUTS"
"The First Presidential Debate was a DISASTER for Joe Biden"
"The Five Eyes SUPERSCANDAL The Legacy Media is Ignoring"
"The Foundation-Up Populist Revolution is Working"
"The GOP Just Cucked on the NDAA as Expected"
"The Ghislaine Maxwell Coverup is Even Bigger than the Panama Papers or Michael Hastings Coverups"
"The Globalist Disinfo Campaign to Defend Joe Biden from the Hunter Biden Email Bombshell"
"The Great Biden Tampon Shortage of 2022"
"The Great Leftoid Twitter Meltdown of 2022"
"The Great Prank Call Backup Begins"
"The Great Reckoning: Half the Legacy Media to be Sued by Covington's Sandmann"
"The Great Work Continues on Pixelplanet"
"The Greatest Leftist Self Own Ever: The Krassensteins, Toronto Pride, and Budweiser"
"The Grinches at Huffington Post Call Rudolph "Problematic""
"The Hilarious Inability of the Breadliners to Realize They Lost"
"The Hilarious Libertarian Convention Featuring Donald Trump"
"The Hilarity of the "Vabbing" "Trend" and Resulting Moral Panic"
"The Hill Accidentally Admits What is Happening in Portland is Rioting, not Protesting"
"The Hill Accidentally Proves Elon Musks Point About Twitters Bias ft. Lie By Structure"
"The Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal Takes an Even More Bizarre Turn (ft. Big Tech Damage Control!)"
"The Hurricane Time Forgot"
"The Increasingly Strange Case of Luigi Mangione"
"The Insane Visa Issuance to Marthas Vineyard Illegal "Victims""
"The Irony of Liberals Worrying About Being "Put on a List""
"The January 6th Lie that Won't Die will Leave TDS Sufferers with Blue Balls"
"The Kids Are Alright! Get the Youth Into Populism"
"The Kids Are Alright: Harris Was Partly Defeated by Young Voters"
"The Kiss of Death: Dick Cheney to Support Kamala Harris"
"The Lamestreamers are the Real Extremists"
"The Left Gargles John Boltons' Diarrhea: And Will Probably Regret Doing So"
"The Left is Officially Braindead After Trump Punched Them In the Head Too Hard"
"The Legacy Media Continues to Cover up for Bidens Crimes Re: Hunters Laptop"
"The Legacy Media Continues to Titillate Its Fans With Impeachment Crap"
"The Legacy Media Refuses to Call Out Kamala Harris for Her Big Border Crisis Lie"
"The Legacy Media and Kamalas Big Money Buddies are Astroturfing a Trump "Meltdown""
"The Legacy Media is Attempting to Blame Trump for Bidenflation"
"The Legacy Media is Dragging Biden Over the Classified Documents Debacle for a Reason"
"The Legacy Media is Partly to Blame for the Riots"
"The Legacy Media is in the Bag for Biden and Won't Ask Tough Questions"
"The Legacy Medias Disgusting, Syrupy Fluff Pieces For Bidens G7 Summit Foibles"
"The Lloyd Austin Scandal"
"The Manly Shoutout Video"
"The Mar-a-lago Raid Affadavit Will be Selectively Redacted in its Unsealing"
"The March of the Old and Rich: Joe Rogan Will Inevitably Win the Spotify Struggle"
"The Massive New Hunter Biden IRS Whistleblower Claim"
"The Mayor of Minneapolis is Completely Insane"
"The Melania Tapes Make me Respect Her Even More"
"The Meme War Continues: Biden Admin Taps Chertoff and Gorelick to Refine Ministry of Truth"
"The Missouri House Dresscode Nothingburger and Legacy Media Propaganda"
"The Moronic 3.5 Trillion Tax-and-Tax "Infrastructure" Bill is Languishing LOL"
"The Mueller Probe is Officially Doomed: Lisa Page Just Shot It to Bits"
"The Myth of Internet Giants Being Private Businesses"
"The NEW Reefer Madness!"
"The NFA May Now be Destroyed"
"The Near-Inevitability of Space Warfare- Why Bidens Attacks on Elon Musk are So Dangerous"
"The New York Times' FBI-Informed And Hypocritical Project Veritas Hit Piece"
"The Obamagate Scandal Is Politically, if not Legally, Significant"
"The Occult #265: My First Lucid Dreams"
"The Occult #273: Life Separates, Death Unites"
"The Occult #348: Most Don't Adopt Religion or Antireligion Due to Deep Thought"
"The Only Silver Lining of Bidens Afghanistan Failure? Watching the Taliban Troll Him"
"The Palpable Cringe of Extinction Rebellion"
"The Pennsylvania Egg Heist"
"The Persecution Continues, As Enrique Tarrio Gets 22 Years in Prison"
"The Predictable Legacy Media Reaction to Amber Heard Losing Against Johnny Depp"
"The Presidential Debate Fallout Could Not be Worse for Joe Biden"
"The Presidential Debate is Tonight!"
"The Primary Model Shows a 91% Trump Victory Chance"
"The Prince Andrew Story is a Shiny Distraction from a Scandal Magnitudes Bigger"
"The Republican Party is Modernizing; the Legacy Media and Dems are Terrified"
"The Return of Ultra MAGA"
"The Right to be Racist: Daily Caller Sues Racist Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot"
"The Rise of the Heel Lickers! Kamala Harris Fans Circle the Wagon"
"The Seasoning Food "Debate""
"The Secret Service Needs to be Overhauled Due to the Trump Assassination Attempt"
"The Secret Service Scandal Deepens With Rowes Testimony"
"The Self-Feeding Firestorm of Impeachment Hyperbole"
"The Sidney Powell Saga Continues, as Leftists and the Blackpilled Claim to be "Right""
"The State of the (Dis)Union: SOTU in Focus"
"The Strange Timing of the Iran Trump Assassination Claims"
"The Stupidity of the "Cancel Rent" Left And Their Hatred of Landlords"
"The Time Has Come: The Archive Everything Movement"
"The Time to Destroy the NFA and All Federal Gun Laws Has Come"
"The Time to Impeach Joe Biden Has Arrived"
"The Top Five Places to Eat in Rutland Vermont"
"The Totally Astroturfed Attempt to Demoralize Trump Fans After Candace Owens Interview"
"The Trump Elon Discussion Was a Huge Success"
"The Trump-Biden Polling Anomaly Explained (Sort Of)"
"The UNdemocratic National Convention"
"The US Is Going to Suffer a Major Biden Recession Within Months"
"The US Senate Hearing Room Tape HAHAHA!"
"The UnaBoomer Throws the Midterms into Vast Uncertainty"
"The Uniparty Is Saying the Silent Part Out Loud Now"
"The Uniparty Remains Terrified of Donald Trump"
"The Uniparty Response to the White House Cocaine Scandal Keeps Getting Weirder"
"The Unipartys Obsession With Gagging Trump is Clearly Backfiring"
"The Utter Stupidity of "Calendargate""
"The Uvalde Shooting Proves Why Waiting for the Police is a Terrible Idea"
"The Vander Plaats Primary in Focus"
"The Volkish 2020s (Subverting Subversion)"
"The Wall Street Journal Says Let Them Eat Cake!"
"The War on Legacy Media Disinfo is Prevailing, Angering Propagandists"
"The World Economy Seems to be Teetering on the Brink of Recession"
"There Will be More Riots in Minneapolis After Chauvin is Almost Surely Acquitted"
"They Actually Tried to Kill Donald Trump"
"They're Trying to Do It Again: Bird Flu in Focus"
"Thibault, Bobulinski, and the FBI Coverup of the Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal"
"Thoughts on Contraposition and Contrapposto!"
"Three More Shoutouts: Antons, Damascus Gear, and JD Spare!"
"Three Musical Polls!"
"Three Steps Trump Should Take to Annihilate Kamala Harris"
"Tim Scott Drops Out of the GOP Primary"
"Tim Walz is Getting Dragged Badly"
"Tim Walz is the Ultimate God of the Fudds"
"Tittybaby Biden Gets a Spanking From Former Megadonor Jeff Bezos"
"To Everyone Whining About Trumps' Independence Day Extravaganza"
"Todays Drug War Propaganda Just as Stupid as Yesterdays"
"Todays Forecast: Mostly Salty with Afternoon Defamation"
"Told You So: DNA Site Shared Info with the FBI"
"Trudeau Unilaterally Bans Sporting Rifles Cuz Scary"
"Trudeaus Fascism Shows us Where the USA Will be Headed if we Allow Antigun Laws"
"Trump Abandons Plans to Ban Vaping Products"
"Trump Approval Hits its Trough Bottom at 44: Will it Crack the Floor or Rise?"
"Trump Approval Rises Again, Now Near 44"
"Trump Calls Adam Schiff "Little Adam Schitt"/ Ridicules Mueller Probe"
"Trump Calls Out War Profiteering: Legacy Media Says He's "Attacking the Military""
"Trump Confirms My Suspicions About the Nature of His Inevitable Running Mate"
"Trump Crushes Nikki Haley in Missouri, Idaho, and Michigan"
"Trump Doesn't Owe Nikki Haley Jack"
"Trump Drains Some More Swamp, Tosses Kissinger and Albright Out of DoD"
"Trump Easily Wins CPAC Straw Poll with 70% Support"
"Trump Evolves from Hitler to Satan, According to the Legacy Media"
"Trump Expands the Battleground Map Again"
"Trump Fails to Post Bond as the Injustice System Intended"
"Trump Finally Calls the FBI Scandal What it Is... Treason"
"Trump Gains Immunity and Liberals Are Mortified For No Reason"
"Trump Gets Raided by the FBI at the Mar-A-Lago: My Hot Take"
"Trump Gives Regards to McCain's Family; Corporate Press Outraged"
"Trump Has Decided Whether He Will Run; Thus Begins the Legacy Media Propaganda!"
"Trump Has the Democrats Even Debating if Impeachment is a "Trap""
"Trump Indicted in Georgia as the Witch Trials Continue"
"Trump Insinuates that the GOP Debate is a Job Application for Running Mate HAHAHA"
"Trump Is Holding the Line on Abortion: And That Matters"
"Trump Is Not Refusing to Debate Kamala Harris, Despite Propaganda to the Contrary"
"Trump Is Popular, Much to the Fury of Liberals (But There's a Caveat)"
"Trump Joins Florida Class Action Suit In Suing Twitter, Google, and Facebook"
"Trump Makes History, Steps Into North Korea, Gets Attacked by Leftists"
"Trump Nominated for a Nobel Prize: He Should Refuse it if He Wins!"
"Trump Now Supposedly Responsible for Barbara Bush' Heart Attack"
"Trump Plays Kingmaker Again as JD Vance Wins Ohio GOP Senate Nomination"
"Trump Poised to Humiliate Nikki Haley In South Carolina"
"Trump Proclaims He Will Scrap Payroll Taxes, Dems Claim He Wants to Scrap Social Security"
"Trump Says Legalize Marijuana: WIN!"
"Trump Sells Sneakers... Liberals Outraged"
"Trump Siezes the RNC"
"Trump Slaps Facebook, Weighs in on a TikTok Ban"
"Trump Star Stickers Confuse Vandals and Vex Hollywood"
"Trump Vindicated Again Over Lafayette Park Hoax, Liberals Refuse to Acknowledge Report"
"Trump Wants Biden to Take a Drug Test Before the Debates- A Good Idea!"
"Trump Warns of an Automotive Bloodbath (Leftists Predictably Take it Out of Context)"
"Trump Will Carry Florida and Texas"
"Trump Will Probably Crush Biden in 2024"
"Trump Wins New Hampshire: Analysis and Fallout"
"Trump Withdraws the US from the UN's Arms Trade Treaty"
"Trump and Biden Compete at the Border With Predictable Results"
"Trump and Bidens Dual Messaging on Laken Riley and the Border Crisis"
"Trump and Retaking the Panama Canal"
"Trump is Essentially Unstoppable"
"Trump is Getting to Work Much Faster Than Any Other President"
"Trump is Making a Mistake Telling People to Give Bud Light a "Second Chance""
"Trump is Using Tulsi Gabbard for Debate Prep HAHAHA!"
"Trump the Literal Nazi?"
"Trump v Biden, Congress, and More: A Slurry of Polls to End 2023"
"Trump vs Desantis in the Florida Endorsement Battle: Telling!"
"Trumps Al Smith Comedy Speech was (Mostly) Very Funny"
"Trumps Approval Level Highest It Has Ever Been"
"Trumps Border Strategy Was Far Less Cruel than Bidens"
"Trumps Cabinet Picks Show a Pattern Few Seem to Have Noticed"
"Trumps Epic Border Address"
"Trumps Epic, Memetic India Visit"
"Trumps First Weeks In Office Will Either Be Amazing or a Disaster (I Think the Former)"
"Trumps Montana Rally: Openly Brags About Phenomena I Have Noted For a Year"
"Trumps Proposed Bump Stock Ban is Ridiculous and Unlawful"
"Trumps Response to the Assange Arrest Dismays but Doesn't Surprise Me"
"Trumps Running Mate Short List"
"Trumps Triumphant Return to Twitter"
"Trumps Veepstakes Matter to an Extreme Degree"
"Trumps Waco Rally Analyzed"
"Trumps Win Has the Left Completely Confused... And I Love It!"
"Trumps' Approval Stabilizes Around 41/42: Analysis"
"Trumps' State of the Union Analysis (Born Free, Stay Free!)"
"Try That in a Small Town!"
"Tucker Carlson Crushes Ben Shapiro, Inevitably Gets Called a Nazi"
"Tucker Carlson Gets Fired By FOX News, Network Officially Becomes 100% Neocon"
"Tucker Carlson Was Telling the Truth: The NSA Has a Lot to Explain"
"Tucker Carlsons Putin Interview in Focus"
"Turkey Ignores Trump, Attacks Syria"
"Twitter Bans Bitchute Links, Then Partly Unbans Them After Backlash"
"Twitter Bans NPC Meme Users for Election Interference, Thus Proving the Meme Inadvertently"
"Twitter Bans Wired Sources for Standing Up to their Harassment of the Alt Media"
"Twitter Grandstands on Trump Tweet, Falsely Claims He is Glorifying Violence"
"Twitter Removes me from Community Notes and Elon Musk Himself Replies"
"Twitter Suspends me for Ridiculing Circumcision With Satire"
"Twitter Thinks Supporting Kyle Rittenhouse and Self Defense "Glorifies Violence""
"Two Exceptionally Comfy Cats"
"UK Prepares to Extradite Julian Assange Because they Hate Press Freedom"
"ULTRA MAGA! Liberals Spent Months and Millions to Make Trump the MAGA King"
"ULTRA Trump Derangement Syndrome!"
"US Credit Debt Rises to A Trillion Dollars"
"US Gas Prices at Record High as US Bans Russian Imports: Advice on How to Deal with Bidenomics"
"US Inflation His 7%, Highest Since 1982: Let's Go Brandon!"
"US Inflation Hits 7.5%; Kamala Says it Will "Ease by the End of 2022" as Biden Does Damage Control"
"US Inflation Soars to 9.1%... BIDENOMICS!"
"US Nuke Testing to Resume as a Counter to China?"
"US Unemployment At 50 Year Low on Good Jobs Report"
"Ukraine Invasion Day 7: Big Tech Blocks RT, Cluster Bombs?, Ukraine in EU? SOTU Recap"
"Ukraine Invasion Day 9: Negotiations Stall, Fire at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant, US Energy Production"
"Ukraine Invasion Day Three: Sam Hyde and Kinzinger, Kyiv Siege, NATO Activates Response Force"
"Ukraine Invasion Day Two: Biden Loses on SWIFT, Ghost of Kyiv, Ukraine Civilian Militarization"
"Ukraine Just Attacked Two Russian Air Bases"
"Ultra MAGA is the New CHUD, as The Left Loses Another Memetic Battle"
"Understanding Political Polls 101: A Primer for Normies"
"United States Assassinates General Soleimani, Retaliating for Embassy Attack"
"Useless Propaganda Rag USA Today to Phase Out Print Edition"
"Utter Disgrace as Pictures of Bidens Overwhelmed Border Concentration Camps Emerge"
"V Shaped Recovery Continues as 4.8 Million Jobs Generated in June"
"Venezuela Fixes its Crime Problem... By Sending Gang Members to the USA!"
"Vermont Dept of Health Makes a Major Oopsie On Gender"
"Vermonters "Deface" BLM "Murals" According to Newspeak Craptivists"
"Vivek Crushed Pence... And Trump on Tucker Crushed the Entire Debate"
"Vox Applauds Biden For his Biggest Weakness Accidentally"
"Vox is Obsessed with Trump, Runs Golf Hit Piece"
"WACKADOODLES! Trump Derangement Syndrome Becomes Blueanon Conspiracy La La Land"
"WANTED: Controlled Opposition Republican to be The Views Next Bobblehead on ABC"
"Wack-Ass Biden Gaffes ft. Legacy Media Gaslighting His First Press Conference"
"Wallstreetbets Daily: Vermont Urges Citizens not to Participate, Big Tech Cracks Down"
"Walmart Virtue Signals, Stops Selling E-cigs, Keeps Selling Good Ol' Tobacco"
"War Pig Grifter George W Bush is in No Position to Lament the Capitol Riot"
"War Pig Liz Cheney to be Hopefully Removed from Her Position"
"War-Mad Henry Kissinger is Dead at 100"
"Warren Touts "Gender-Affirming, Culturally Competent Healthcare""
"We Can Win: Puke Up Your Blackpills My Dude"
"Weapons for Foreigners, Not for Americans: Bidens Priorities"
"Welcome to the Twenties"
"What Donald Trump Needs To Accomplish When Debating Kamala Harris"
"What Mike Garcias CA25 Win Really Means"
"What Trump Must Do To Win"
"What in Tarnation is Happening With Boeing?"
"What the Hell Went on With Trumps Pennsylvania Security Detail?"
"What the Literal Fuck?"
"What to Expect if Biden Does Win"
"What to Expect in a Second Donald Trump Term"
"Whips and Haitians and Horses oh My! The White Houses Stunningly Stupid Del Rio Response"
"White House Cocaine Coverup Continues!"
"White House Damage Control on Energy Prices Has Them Accidentally Praising Trump"
"White Knighting Leftists Go INSANE as I Laugh at AOC Being Heckled"
"White Rural Rage"
"Who Forced Joe Biden Out? I Can Answer That!"
"Why I Will Ignore Todays State of the Union Address"
"Will Biden Hand-Pick a Successor? The Delegate Shuffle in Focus"
"Will California Bankrupt Itself Paying Reparations to People Who Were Never Slaves?"
"Will Joe Manchin Run For the Presidency?"
"Will Peanut the Squirrel and Fred the Raccoon Save Democracy?"
"Will the Democrats Toss Biden in August? Don't Count on It"
"Winnie the Poohs Reunification Speech Analyzed"
"Wisconsin Will Almost Certainly Go Blue"
"World Peace Increases as John McCain Finally Dies"
"Yes, It is Correct that Trump Got Almost No Bounce Post-Mueller"
"Yes, Presidential Candidates Should be Drug Tested"
"Yes, Trumps Support is Rising Among Gay Males... No, It Isn't 45%"
"Yes, the House Should Expunge Trumps Sham Impeachments"
"You're My Paradise (Lyrics/Vocals Tarl Warwick, Music Seawise Romeo)"
"Youtube Bans Sky News Australia for "Disinfo" in Latest Brazen Censorship Move"
"Youtube Begins Paying Vapid, Meaningless "Celebs" to Make Videos"
"Youtube Says it May Ban Accounts That it Deems "Not Commercially Viable""
"Youtube Suppression Is Now Unlivable: Bitchute Exclusives Daily Starting Tomorrow!"
"Youtube Targets Whistleblowers and Activists With New "Hacked" Material TOS"
"Youtube Warns Against Article 13 While Adopting Its Own Corporate Censorship"
"Youtubes Chief Product Officer Disrespects Independent Creators"
"Youtubes New Purge of Independent Voices (Join My Bitchute!)"
"Zoraya ter Beek and the Ethics of Euthanasia"